Mr. V

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A/N: Who is Mr. V?

Mikoto: Mr. V....

Haru/Lilac/Mio/Akira: *Whimpers*

Eitosquad: *Gulp*


Mr. V...

A mysterious benefactor that had send a letter & recorder to Class 1-C a week ago after the attack on the Yukimura Resort.

They still remembered his words...


"Hello Class 1-C...Sorry for interrupting for vacation but there are some things that you would need to know. Because what I'm about to tell you is going to bring consequences not only to your future but others around you..."

Sylvia: What the?

Hein: Who are you?!

Yin: Were you the one who threw the knife?

Riku: I can't get any anlysis or any fingerprints of who left this recorder or the knife....

Haru: Eh?!

Jack: What the hell...?!

"You may call me...Mr. V...You will keep this recording to yourselves and won't tell anymore...if you do... imagine how that will benefit for you and your loved ones."

Kelly: Is he threatening us?!

Chassy: Who is this guy?!

Akira: I-Is he someone we know???

Riku: I don't think any of us know anyone with the name: Mr. V....

Mio: I-Is he a villain?!

Souta: I don't know...but I most definitely don't want to find out...

"This society you all want to change...It's all the rage! Everyone is cracking down hard on quirk discrimination. Schools, workplaces, the police, hell even the government and the Hero Commision. But that's not why I'm calling in now."

Haru: W-Why are you calling...?

Samuel: Hold on...I think he's getting to that...

"As you should know...Quirks aren't everything in this world, nor is your family status. Animals with quirks are pushed away, merely because they're animals. Nezu? Heck, he's so smart, everyone's scared of what would happen if they got on his bad side. Half the society, at the very least, still think that he's just an animal...

Hein: .....What are you getting at?

Lilac: I don't understand...!

"This Society you desire to evil! The Hero Society you work for isn't so trustworthy as you believe it is...because little did that rat know...he kept a very dark secret from you!"

Mikoto: W-What?

"The mystery behind the incident of the first Class 1-C from last year!!!"

Class 1-C: ?!!!!

"The real battle between heroes and just beginning."

The bone-chilling message struck through them as the recorder turns off...

Class 1-C:.........

*End Flashback*

Jack: So...Does anyone have any suggestions who this guy might be...?

Luna: Nope.

Samuel: My mind is blank...

Eito: Ditto...

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