Fall And Rise

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A/N: Continuation of Class 1-C fight. Both former and latter. Juurou and Miyumi involved as well.

With Engage forming around them all, Class 1-C had battle their senpais once again as the wicked fight continued.

Juurou ordered the fallen former students to kill Class 1-C.

They heed his command.


Like what happened last time, Roi made first strike of choice after the battle began was to rush at Mikoto, who was soon protected by Sylvia who pulled up a fiery wall. Pansa picks up the pace he slashed at Souta while moving so gracefully up to that point.

Kieran used Mind Eye to push him back as Chassy jumped in the air and used Star Rain to send them down at villains.

However, Arun used Royal Degree to reassemble the attacks and send them back at Chassy and Kieran. They both get hit sending them back in the air.

Zoe transformed her plants to large vines to try and capture the enemies but they remained undeterred. Juurou powers up a fire bullet from his gun and shot down her vines.

Oka summons a large puppet that had a similarity to a Red Oni. The puppet beast let out a roar before it charged at Miyumi who clashes it with her own blade.

The blades attacked each other fiercely against one another before Oka's Oni puppet was finally able to push her backwards, and Miyumi stumbled away before regaining her balance with a gentle slide.

Oka: Is all of this worth it to you?! Is this really what you two really wanted?!

Understanding what she meant, Juurou rolled his eyes at her.

Juurou: We don't have to answer that for you. You guys will be good as dead anyway.

Miyumi: Ya know. We've had been hoping that you kids would stay in your lane and out of our business, but I suppose I should have known better. You're all as pesky as a flies. I expect anything less from heroes. YOU ALL DON'T KNOW WHEN TO MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS!!!

Miyumi told them this with angry scowl blended with a smirk smashed across her features haphazardly. She was going to kill them whether they're ready for it or not.

No one can escape death. Not even heroes.

Hein started to reach for the coins and fortunes cards of her pouch, but  didn't give her the chance to do anything, Gyaku appeared behind her trying to cut her down. Akira rushes in and saves Hein at the last moment creating a shield to protect her.

Hein: Thanks.

Akira: You're welcome.

Akira then used Shield Needles to strike back at Gyaku who uses Opposite to parallel them back at the young hero.

Akira blocks them but they just keep coming breaking apart of the shield.

Akira: Someone back me up!

Jack: On it! Ready Eito?!

Eito: Ready! Get Ready! Love Beam!


Both Jakc and Eito Chinese their abilities to try and apprehend their opponents.

They was able to get in a single hit on Roi, Chenya, and Tadashi. But the rest  were quick to keep them from doing any further damage.

Juurou shoots them with the quirk erasing bullet to dispense the effects of Eito's quirk but at least not enough to erase their quirk.

Juurou: Snap out of it.

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