Circles And Circles...(2/4)

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It's been a week since Eito Koishi was admitted into hospital and is in extensive care.

Some of his classmates would come and visit him while others focus on the quest board.

Some of those classmates would consists of Jack, Samuel, Destiny, Lilac, and Luna.

The reason why Lilac shows up is the help out the hospital, of course. Also to keep constant monitoring of Eito's vital signs including pulse, breathing, and blood pressure.

Jack and the others would come visit Eito to make sure he's doing well.

They would read him stories, chat, let him listen to music, talk about romance (the type of things Eito like), etc.

Once they would leave, they would promise Eito they would return if they're not too busy.

Usually that would be a day or two.

When they're not around. Kenji would come by often.

Kenji: Hey....


Kenji: This is awkward. It's strange though. Never thought I would end up missing your annoying voice.

He walked over to the side of the bed.

Kenji: Goodness. Your hair is getting longer. You always complain about keeping it wash and clean to impress others. That way, you won't get dandruff.

Since Lilac and the doctors gave Kenji permission to do Eito's hair. He pulled out the comb and shampoo that Eito would be most comfortable with.

Kenji: Even though you're a hopeless romantic. At least you know how to take care of yourself. Now let's see. Lilac said that if I brush your hair daily just like anyone would and apply the shampoo afterwards, it bring you some comfort.

Kenji started brushing Eito's long pink hair.

Kenji: I've noticed it's not in a ponytail anymore. I remember when I first met you. It's used to be short. Now it's really long. You also wear heart shaped glasses. Making improvements of yourself by looking your very best. It's just like you.


Kenji: Okay. Now for the shampoo. Then after that, we have to make sure you're in a comfortable position. Let's hope there isn't any infections, pneumonia, or sore pains. If so, I will have to get Lilac. She's more better at this than I am...


Kenji: Have you been getting your nutrients. I've heard a comatose patient can eat is when the doctors give you an intravenous drip or nasogastric tube. Can you believe that?

A/N: The tube is passed in through the nose and down into the stomach...I think that's the only way a comatose patient can eat.

Kenji: Someone like you would probably find it ridiculous. Oh? Are you drooling? Let me get that.

He wiped Eito's drool with a small tissue.

Kenji: There. Someone like you always did worry about your appearance.


Kenji: So have you heard? Everyone is Class 1-C is getting back together again. At this rate, things would start to brighten up again...


Kenji: Also. Guess what? My brother is making a fast recovery. No. Not Kiyoshi. Chitose. The other one. Can you believe it. I just...can't believe he's alive. So much had happened. I'm...glad. If you would've saw him. You probably would no doubt try to meet him because he's one hunk of a vampire. Latch onto him like you always do you to me...Play with my chest without me your big d$ck goth boyfriend or whatever...


Kenji: *Sighs*....It's not the same...Please wake up Eito...


Destiny: So any word about Eito?

Luna: Kenji and Lilac said he still hasn't woken up yet.

Samuel: There's some movement but not too much.

Jack: Man. Never would've thought we end up missing him.

Luna: Yeah. It's like a missing link...

Destiny: Yeah but...why do we miss him? I don't get it. I mean...He was a friend to us...until we realize what kind of person he was.

Samuel: I guess...we all just have mixed feelings about him. We all may be angry at Eito for what he said about us in the past but a part of us still feel concern about him.

Luna: Yeah. You can't come up to my face and tell me...all the memories we shared with Eito. It can't be fake...

Jack: Yeah...I wonder though...What shaped Eito into what he is now.

Destiny: I...think he once said a former boyfriend of his cheated him and called him a faggot. After that, if somehow pretty much warped his mind turning him into the person he is now.

Luna: Oh I'm curious.

Jack: ?!!

Destiny: Jack...?

Samuel: What's wrong?

Jack:....I...heard something...It's...about Eito.

Samuel: You mean...someone is speaking about him?

Jack: Yeah...

They followed Jack down the hall to see two boys chatting among themselves.

Boy #1: Hey. Have you heard what happened to Eito from Class 1-C.

Boy #2: Oh? You mean that little manwhore that played so many boys in our school. Yeah. I heard he earned a ticket to the hospital.

Boy #1: Do you think he pissed off the wrong person?

Boy #2: I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case. Seriously though. After all he did. I can't believe he's not expelled.

Boy #1: Yeah. What is U.A thinking keeping a student like him here?

Boy #2: Right. He's not even a hero. All he cares about is the next boytoy he's going to play with.

Boy #1: Yeah! Nobody wants him here in the first place!

Boy #2: You're telling me! He was such a bitch! That gay faggot should do us all a favor and disappear!

Boys: Hahahahaha!

The Jacksquad felt rage hearing those words as the two boys walked off to who knows where.

Luna: Okay. First Off. How dare they? Second. have a point.

Jack: What do you mean? Don't tell me you're siding with them.

Luna: I'm not siding with them. I...just want to know. The true reason of Eito.

Destiny: You mean...regarding his past.

Samuel: Big Brother has to agree. There's so many loopholes I'm not understanding.

Jack: Maybe...we should talk to his parents. I know it's invading Eito's privacy. But...I really wanna know.

Destiny: We can also ask Riku for help.

Luna: Alright then. Let's do this guys! For Eito...

Jacksquad:....Yeah. For Eito.

There. Right There. The Jacksquad all knew a mystery had opened up for them and they decided to do a little investigation.

The curious case of Eito Koishi.

What scars did he leave behind in the past?

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