Mikoto's Training

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Mikoto: This is Hinako. She's...a doll created by Misachiko.

Hinako: Hello...


Of all times, he had to remember the past...the past that will forever haunt him.

Yuiga: (Misachiko...are you really...?)

He felt the sudden urge to cry again. Like what happened last year, another former member has fallen victim to this corrupted society.

Yuiga: So...You're Misachiko's legacy...?

Since he was a former classmate to her. He was no stranger to Misachiko creating dolls. Back before this whole thing started. She would create the dolls and had them summon to attack her enemies. Although each doll she used prior would drain a lot of energy out of her so she would always have to be careful.

So just by looking at Hinako, she reminded him so much of Misachiko.

Hinako: Yep! That's Me! Like you Yuiga-kun...I am also a little sad that master is no longer here. But she wouldn't want me to be sad. She would want me to help and makes things right!

Yuiga: You're pretty energetic for a doll.

Mikoto: (That's what I thought...I guess Misachiko-Senpai doesn't just create dolls from her quirk. She can also give them their own personality...or maybe when the doll is created, they can make their own personality.)

Hinako: Hehe~! That's because I'm one of a kind! Now! Enough about me! We will discuss more about my current situation later. You're here for Onii-chan, aren't you?

Yuiga: Onii-chan? You mean Mikoto?

He looked at the snow user who shrugged. Since when did these two become so close.

Mikoto: I'm not sure how but according to Hinako, Misachiko-Senpai somehow knows me personally.

Yuiga: Ah...I see...Anyway, yeah the doll was right. I did come here so we start your training. Before we begin, your classmates are aware of this, right.

Mikoto: Yes. But we already discussed a lot. For now, we won't try anything foolish until things die down for now.

Yuiga: Smart Choice. It's still best you don't tell anyone outside of your class.

Mikoto: But what if someone finds out...? There's always a chance one of the teachers would.

Yuiga held back a sigh a little. He wonder if there will be a time to tell him about Geysis.

Yuiga: You...may have a lie a little.


Yuiga: I know what you're thinking. Tbh, you seem like one of the most honest people here at U.A. So you shouldn't take my advice to heart. Just pretend a little.

Mikoto: Would that even work?

Yuiga: At some point it can. Some point it can't. You should include details that make your lie seem legitimate, but not so many that it becomes complicated.

Mikoto: So for an elaborate lie means more details that you have to keep track of and can often mean more explaining. A simple, straightforward lie can be easier to maintain as long as we're pretending?

Yuiga: Yes. Also. I know you all of you guys are in on this. But it's best you don't include others in your lie.

Hinako: Using someone as a witness or alibi makes your lie more complicated than it needs to be. If the person you lie to checks your alibi, they may find out you lied. And that could get you in more trouble. Especially since U.A is allies with a certain detective with a lie detective quirk. So be careful.

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