Plot: Mikoto's middle school days before he met Izuku...
Mikoto Yukimura was just another junior high school student with dreams of being a hero.
He was friendly, optimistic, and bit of an air-head. He enjoyed hanging out with his friends after school, going to the arcade or just chilling with getting a sweet delicious ice cream cone.
Mikoto: I'm so glad class is over! Finally! Now I can hang out with my friends! I wonder what we're going to do today! Maybe get some more ice cream~! I would love that~!
He thought about the many flavors of ice cream he could stomach while walking up to another classroom where his friends should be.
His friends consist of guy with pointy ears that resembles an elf, an werewolf, and a girl who can do magic (witch???).
Mikoto: They should be behind this door. We all promise we would meet after school-?!
Suddenly, he heard talking behind the door. He looked up to see his friends having an conversation.
Mikoto: Hmm? I wonder what they're talking about?
Mikoto leaned his ear into the door to hear better.
Wolf Boy: Tsk. Where is he already! He's late!
Elf Boy: Meh. Don't worry. He'll be here soon.
Wolf Boy: Tell Me Again...Why are we still hanging out with Yukimura?
Mikoto: (Why are you asking that? Because we're friends, of course!)
Elf Boy: Because he's the son of a Pro-Hero.
Elf Boy: Plus...He's also rich.
Mikoto: .....(Huh?)
Elf Boy: If we continue to pretend to be his friend, we'll be popular! It's not everyday you get to hang with the child of a hero~!
Mikoto:....(What? Is that...the reason why they decided to hang out with me...? Because my mom is a hero? That's it? That's the reason why?!)
Mikoto felt...betrayed.
Mikoto: (T-This has to be a joke right...Yeah. A joke. Surely, a mean twisted joke, right? Right?!)
His so-called friends were still talking in the room.
Witch Girl: Ugh! But he's soooooo annoying! All he thinks about is ice cream! Besides, compare to his Mom...He's pretty weak!
Is that...really what they think about him? They think he's a weaker version of his mother?
Wolf Guy: Yeah! If it wasn't for his quirk! We would've been bullying him instead!
The young boy felt his heart had frozen. Everything had darken around him.
His weren't his friends.
He don't have friends...
They're nothing but a bunch of liars....
All His Friends Are Fake...
Mikoto: (How could I been so foolish and gullible to not realize this....all this time...I've been played like a fool...)
He felt his hands go numb.
Mikoto: (All of a sudden...I'm not in the mood for ice cream anymore. Probably would taste bitter and rotten...just like these people...)
Wolf Boy: Man, let's go!
Class 1-C - Book 2: Heroes & Legends
FanfictionMikoto Yukimura and Class 1-C are back once again at U.A!!! As cerified hero students to take on quests and missions to improve themselves as heroes. While they do that, they must work together to take down villains and find out about whom their mys...