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pairings: bucky barnes x reader
warnings: very halloween-centric
about: my halloween fic!!
a/n: happy halloween if you celebrate it and if you don't, happy 31st!!

it's halloween, and contrary to what sam thinks—which he's voiced very, very loudly to as many people as he possibly could—bucky is aware that it exists and has in fact celebrated it ever since he could walk around to knock on doors and get candy. yes, bucky is aware of the holiday; he actually liked it very much before everything, but after he got his mind back, it didn't seem as important anymore—he couldn't possibly enjoy the fake scares after living through so many real horrors. so all october 31sts passed by while he sat on his couch and tried not to think about the times he used to take rebecca trick-or-treating.

but you were here now. you, with your halloween decorations since september and horror movies year-round. your love for halloween is clear in the bright orange pumpkin you draw on the day in the calendar, outlining the black eyes and adding cartoonish candy that edges over into the little squares around it.

you love halloween, and bucky loves you. meaning he'll watch the scary movies with you, no matter if they start on the day of halloween or months before; he'll buy you all the candy you want, and he'll even dress up with you in ridiculous matching costumes and accompany you to the costume parties where he will no doubt get relentlessly teased by sam.

no problem, he thinks at first, but that's before he sees the costume you've arranged for him.

you sat him down to watch all the despicable me movies just a few days prior, explaining that your costumes would be based on it and pinky promising that he'd like it anyways- which, in your defense, he did. however, the costumes you were thinking of were apparently not the same costumes he thought you had planned considering the striped yellow shirt you have on over some jean overalls and the unicorn onesie you have laid on the bed.

he squints at you when you come out of the bathroom, a bow tying your hair up on top of your head, "what are you wearing?" he asks.

you grin and twirl, "i'm agnes!" you cheer, "you know- unicorns i love them, unicorns i love them," you sing. at the blank look on his face, you tilt your head, the smile never falling from your face, "from despicable me!"

bucky nods slowly, "yes." he states, "i thought you were going as lucy so i could be gru."

you laugh, "no, you have too much hair to be gru," you inform, "you're..." you head excitedly to the bed, pulling up the unicorn onesie and holding it up for him to see, "a unicorn! because agnes loves unicorns and i love you, and also i think you would look really in a onesie."

bucky stares at the thing in your hands before looking back up at your excited self, rocking on your heels and looking back at him with such pure enthusiasm in your eyes that he simply can't bring himself to say anything other than— "give me that thing."

your face instantly brightens, "are you sure? it's really okay if you don't want to," you promise, but the gleam in your eyes makes all the assured possibilities of the teasing jabs at him by everyone at the party very insignificant.

"yes," bucky responds, pulling your thighs closer to him to be able to tuck his head into your shoulder, "anything for you, sweetheart." you press a kiss to the top of his head, before pulling away slightly to push his costume against him.

"party starts in ten minutes," you remind with another kiss.

and, yeah, every single avenger there made fun of bucky the whole party, but the beam you were never able to wipe off your face made every jab at his expense worth it. though bucky will admit that your clinging to him to "enhance the experience" coupled with the kisses you pressed against his face did help a whole lot.

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