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pairings: bucky barnes x reader, steve rogers
warnings: language lol, idk why i decided to change my writing style for this one??
about: prompt Person A is about to leave for work. Person B asks them if they've forgotten anything, and Person A gives them a kiss. Person B turns red and opens their hand to reveal Person A's keys/wallet/etc., saying 'I meant this, but thanks.'
a/n: gah i loved this prompt so much. i've also been thinking about steve rogers lately, and this is what i got from it lmao
the title is also the only thing i could think of that wasn't just. forget- b. barnes, it's really not that deep lmao

"mission in fifteen minutes, y/n. i want you at the jet in ten, please." steve reminds, tilting his chin down at you and raising a motherly eyebrow, completing his whole mother hen stance with a pointed finger.

"aye, aye," you sigh, eyeing him weirdly. bucky looks at you in confusion to steve, frowning. once steve catches the both of you staring at him, he looks down at himself, standing normally again, putting his hand down, and clearing his throat.

"ten minutes, agent," he repeats, before heading off. bucky looks back at you.

"what the hell was that? he looked like my ma."

you shrug, "i think he's really settled into the whole team leader captain thing. he offered me a sweater the other day."

bucky's nose crinkles, and his eyes scan you in a way that makes your whole body tingle, "man, you avengers are not good for him."

you laugh, shoving lightly at him, "hey! i'll have you know i'm not even a fully-fledged avenger yet. barely hatching. it's probably because of how shittily stark, banner, and nat take care of themselves."

"he never offered me a sweater," bucky mutters offhandedly, crossing his arms and settling back into his grumpy front again, "the other way around, actually."

"well, sometimes he's also a bitch," you recount with a thoughtful tilt of your head, remembering each instance of steve rogers being a bitch. a smirk pulls at your lips, "but sometimes in a good way."

"that sounds more like him," bucky nods. you both settle into a comfortable silence again, the only noise the sound of the television as it plays one of the shows on steve's list—bucky likes getting ahead of him so he can spoil them for steve—and an occasional chuckle or comment.

after a few minutes, you tap your phone, groaning quietly when you realize you have five minutes to go until steve becomes a bitch again and drags you to the jet himself.

a large sigh parts your lips, snuggling in further into the couch to take advantage of the little time you have left and simultaneously trying to slim the space that lies between you and bucky—ah, the wonders of the weird in-between-friends-and-flirting thing you two have going on.

a light tension falls over the both of you when two of the characters from the show you're watching—coincidentally very similar to bucky and you. in the same situation and everything, seriously—confess their feelings in possibly the most dramatic way the writers could come up with. the fact they're doing this isn't the cause for the tension, rather it's what they're saying. every word seems to resonate with you, and you shift uncomfortably, looking back down at your phone. one minute gone. bitch steve rogers please take me now.

"wow," you hear, and it's a little too late when you realize it's your own voice, no doubt heading in a way that you'll regret. "that's interesting," you finish.

bucky, from your side, turns to you, "them... confessing... or whatever, is interesting?"

you force yourself to nod, knowing you dug yourself into the hole with your inability to stay silent when it matters. "yeah, very..." you flail, "desirable..."

"ah," bucky replies. you're oblivious to the storm of thoughts that's happening in his mind at the new piece of information.

"like you," you manage, trying to bring back the conversation into a place you're more familiar with, or at least have become more familiar with in the past few weeks.

"i'm desirable?" bucky echoes, and the lilt in his words tells you he's silently following your lead.

"hoo," you exhale dramatically, beginning to fan your warm cheeks and leaning back into the couch, shoulder to shoulder with him. "you have no idea."

he's smiling at you now, and it's almost blinding the playfulness on his lips—the glint in the ocean of his eyes. you barely realize how close you've gotten until his eyes flicker to your lips, returning his gaze back to your eyes before you can even begin to question it.

he's leaning forward, slowly, nervously, giving you a chance to back out, even if there is no possible reason you ever would.

your phone rings suddenly, the tune of the star spangled singers' star spangled man ringing out and indicating it's steve deciding to be a bitch and the biggest cockblocker in the world. you and bucky both pull away, and you frantically press the green call button, pulling your phone up to your ear and hissing that you're coming before hanging up.

you put your phone on the table again, reaching for your shoes and tugging them on your feet. "guess i gotta go now, um, don't finish the episode without me, okay? you know i like knowing more than steve."

bucky licks his lips, nodding, "of course."

once your boots are tied, you bounce off of the couch, heading over to the kitchen where you left two of the daggers that belong on your thigh. you never like having them on when you sit on the couch, as they press either into your thighs or the cushions—one of which has harsher consequences that involve tony and the amount of money he spends on ridiculously expensive lounge furniture.

"i'll see you later, okay?" you say, beginning to walk out of the kitchen until bucky stops you from the couch.

"think you're forgetting something, doll."

you turn to him, looking around the room until you land on the blade you usually keep strapped to your boot. "oh," you laugh, going to pick it up and putting it where it belongs. you're about to leave again when he impedes again.

he hums, "not that."

your eyebrows join, scanning all around you once again. you walk closer to bucky, who's leaning on the couch, observing as you struggle to figure out what you're forgetting. finally, you notice your laces are untied and crouch to tie it correctly, "that it?" you question from the ground, looking up at him.

he shakes his head, an amused smile pulling at his cheeks and crinkling his eyes, "try again, but aren't you lucky you caught all that?"

with furrowed brows and no other real ideas, you lean in closer to bucky, gently pressing your lips against his long enough for his breath to leave his lungs entirely. a wild blush overtakes the color of his cheeks and he blinks. the black of his pupils drowning out the bright cerulean in his irises as he gulps, clearly a little distraught but definitely not upset about it. slowly, he takes out your phone from the pocket where he was hiding it and meekly offers it to you, "i meant this, but thanks."

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