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pairings: bucky barnes x reader, unnamed ex x reader
warnings: cheating, a break up, friends to lovers, fighting, blood, bucky breaking your ex's nose lol
about: a DF 41 or DA 19?(DF41) "are you going to cry? please don't cry." (DA19) "touch her, and i'll murder you."

letters blur together as you stare at the text on your phone. sweet, undeserving words concerned over your boyfriend sent hours ago, offering to bring soup and take care of him because nobody deserves to be alone on new year's day; a response you'd thought representative of who you thought he was following only a few seconds after. you figure your boyfriend didn't want you to arrive at his lonely house to discover his lies.

ex-boyfriend. right.

you sniffle when you remember, pressing the back button to go back to your message list, only to receive another reminder of the betrayal as you see the apologies from your friends, the girl who had sent you the video of him making out with another girl only a string of numbers with a gray sentence underneath reading i'm sorry.

you roll your eyes at everything—him, you being so upset, the entirety of your relationship—trying to pretend like you aren't as hurt as you are; as if you cared about him about as much as he cared about you. tears rush to your eyes before you can help it, your racing mind bringing up thoughts all too sadly realistic for you right now. trying to concentrate on anything else, your eyes only gravitate towards the piece of cake you'd wrapped in tinfoil to bring him later today, all of the things on your desk that showed that you cared so much more than he cared about you.

you uselessly wipe at your nose when you hear your door being pushed open, shoving your phone underneath your thigh as you look up to meet baby blue.

"hey, doll," bucky starts, voice soft. "are you okay? i saw you rush out earlier after you got a message, 'nd i wanted to see if you were okay."

your bottom lip juts out without your permission, the lump that had been lodged in your throat growing far enough to hurt your jaw when you think back getting the text in the middle of celebrating. the mere act of coming to see if you were okay—of noticing, just makes you feel dumber because he never did that and you feel like you should've known. how must the girl who sent the video of it feel about you?"

"y/n?" bucky asks apprehensively, "sweetheart, are you okay?" worry threaded in his words, rooted deep enough for you to never doubt if it's real. "are you gonna cry? oh, honey, please don't cry."

you feel the warmth of tears as they slide down your cheeks, shoulders slumping, exhausted from faking it even if it was just for a few moments. bucky's has shown more care than your ex has shown you in a month, and the honey of it begins to drip down your face. bucky steps towards you in quick, long strides until he's in front of you.

"he cheated on me," you admit, feeling ashamed even though you're not the one who it should be put on. he should be embarrassed, he should be crying. "god, i'm so stupid," you cry, dropping your head into your hands. bucky bends down to his knees.

"what?" bucky whispers, confusion clear in his tone and the pinch of his features, "how could he... you're not—you're not stupid, dolly, he is. he is the stupidest man in the universe for doing that to you."

"he told me he was sick. i made him fucking chicken soup while he was with some other girl," you snivel. bucky gives you a tissue you didn't notice he grabbed from your dresser, using another one to gently dab underneath your eyes.

"he's so stupid, y/n. i wish i could do something. i'm so sorry, doll."

you shake your head, "it's not your fault."

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