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pairings: aaron hotchner x reader, platonic!team x reader

warnings: babies(?), brief s11 e18 spoilersabout: derek's baby boya/n: tbh i don't like kids or babies so i didn't think i would be making something like this but i got the idea and ran with it


the baby boy behind the window gurgled happily as you looked at him, making you laugh softly. "cute, huh?" you looked up at the sound of derek's voice, a proud smile on his face that hadn't gone away since he met his son. "definitely," you agreed, your gaze planted on the sparkle you didn't see much of in your line of work in derek's eyes, his own stare drifting back down to the unnamed boy.

you looked behind you when the door opened, smiling when you saw aaron. you looked back when little fingers touched your own gloved ones, making derek chuckle in front of you. the sounds of water running and gloves being pulled on barely escaped your hearing as you twirled your fingers in front of the baby, who in turn made happy noises. you relaxed against the arm that looped around your shoulder, the familiar scent of aaron immediately stunting your initial reaction. "jack was never this tiny," aaron said softly, and derek laughed gently.

"the doctor said this incubator is gonna be home for another two weeks."

you felt aaron nod softly, "it's gonna fly by."

you looked up to derek when he was silent for a minute, "i get it now, hotch. i finally know what jj and you and y/n have been talking about," the grin on his face never faltered, his eyes flicking from you, to hotch, to his child. "i never knew that six pounds, one ounce could knock me out."

you giggled quietly, hotch pulling you closer.

derek looked down when baby boy let out a small noise, moving his tiny arms. his hands tightened around your finger and derek's, which made derek's eyes crinkle. "check out the grip. right?"

you nodded, biting your lip, "he's strong."

derek laughed, and you looked up, "okay, so it's not just me."

derek beamed as he looked down again, and you turned to aaron when he went silent. "promise me you'll take some time." aaron said, and derek's smile faded, the twinkle of excitement in his eyes only dimming a fraction.

"about that... hotch..."

you realized what he meant, and looked down at the boy one more time before taking your hand out of the incubator and smiling at derek. "i'm gonna be with spence, congrats, der."

you squeezed aaron's hand before taking your leave, hearing derek's voice grow faint.


you had only been with spencer for a few minutes, listening to him ramble on excitedly about babies. after telling you that babies cry without tears, and that their tonsils have taste buds, among other facts, he had decided to grab some food for derek, leaving you alone.

you sat down next to penelope after he left, her eyes shiny with happy tears, a humongous grin adorning her sweet face. "did you see him? he's so cute, i already know he's going to be the best little boy."

you agreed, "absolutely. that kid has the best parents, a super smart, beautiful mom, and a badass, kind dad. i'm excited to see who he grows into."

"-which will undoubtedly be someone amazing."

you nodded, "you've never been wrong, penelope garcia."

a strange beat of silence passed between the both of you, which you immediately thought weird, as there was never a silent, uneventful moment with penelope.

"what do you want to ask?" you asked, your head tilting, and penelope opened her mouth. "what did i tell you about profiling me?"

"that wasn't so much profiling you, i just know you."

penny sighed, "have you and hotch talked about, you know, having more kids?"

you bit your lip, thinking. "no. i don't- " you let out a small breath, "i'll admit the thought has crossed my mind, but we've never talked about it, or considered it at all."

"do you want more kids?"

you swallowed, sighing. "i don't know, honestly. you know how demanding our job is, we've only been married a few years, and jack is only ten. i guess... i don't know."

penelope hummed, but didn't get to ask you anything else when aaron came up behind you, settling his hands on your shoulders. "hey, honey; garcia, do you mind if i steal her for a second?"

penelope shook her head no, shooing you away.


aaron and you walked back to the room where derek's son was, standing outside the window and simply looking at him.

aaron took your hand as you stood there together, enjoying the silence of the hospital.

"so derek is leaving?" you asked, and you felt him nod. "yeah."

you hummed, "i'll miss him."

"me too."

you both stood in silence again for a few seconds before he pressed a kiss to your head, removing his hand from yours to instead wrap it around you.

"hey, you two," rossi said, and you turned your head to greet him. "hey dave, are those for savannah?" you asked, pointing to the flowers in his hands.

"mhm, just came to see the man of the hour, although i see he's busy."

you laughed, "he's adorable, i doubt there'll be a time he won't be busy."

you looked back at the window, missing the look rossi gave aaron when he noticed his eyes on you.

"well, i'm going to go drop these off with savannah and derek, maybe ask him to introduce me to my new nephew."

you nodded, telling him goodbye.

when you felt his eyes on you, you laughed and looked up at aaron, "yes?"

"how would you feel about having one of those?"

you were stunned for a second, blinking blankly. "um- you mean having another kid?"


you looked back at the baby for a second, lips quirking up slowly.

"we could take time off. just be with jack and his new little brother or sister."

you nodded, turning around and looking back at your husband.

"yeah, okay."

he beamed when you said that, pulling your chin with his pointer finger closer to his face to kiss you.

he pulled away after a few seconds, "we're gonna have a baby."

you laughed lightly, nodding, "yeah. we are. pen is gonna freak."

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