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pairings: bucky barnes x reader, steve rogers, natasha romanoff, avengers, oc
warnings: uhh idiots in love, mutual pining, and fake dating and i genuinely cannot tell if this is horrible so i hope it isn't lol
about: part two to ! where reader's nosy neighbor pushes reader to start a fake relationship with bucky barnes (can be read stand alone i think??)
a/n: finally!! here!! it only took me two months to finish writing and sooo much longer to squeeze into posts. it can be read as stand alone... just know it's fake dating.
[tagging everyone who was interested in a part two!! sorry if i miss anyone: @justmad s ]

"i'll see you tomorrow," bucky winks, caging you against your door before leaning in close, lips meeting in a soft kiss, pulling away after a few sweet seconds to nudge his nose against yours, a smile gracing his face.

"yeah," you agree breathlessly, the kiss having knocked you stupid even if it isn't the first one you've shared. "i love you," you let him know, casual in a way that makes the both of you ache—bucky for it to be real and you for him to know it is.

"i love you too," bucky responds too seriously, unable to help himself as he pulls you in for another kiss; unplanned, too caring, making the slippery slope of falling in love with bucky barnes all the more slippery.

his forehead knocks against yours, the both of you so wrapped up in each other you consider entering apartment to actually practice what you make your neighbor think you're doing inside when you're with bucky. "you gotta go," you remind halfheartedly, the locked arms around his waist contrasting your words.

"i don't wanna," bucky mumbles.

"i don't want you to." your eyes search bucky's, but you get too caught up in the beauty of the color, the sparkles swimming in their ocean to even remember what it is you're looking for.

you feel a vibration underneath your fingertips from bucky's phone, an unwelcome reminder of how true your words are, snapping you and bucky out of the moment. you inhale sharply, tearing your eyes away from bucky, loosening your arms around him.

"but you have to," you say with an embarrassed laugh. "so i'll see you soon." you pat his shoulder awkwardly as he kisses your cheek, catching the confused cock of his head when he notices. you send him a thumbs-up as he walks away that you immediately regret.

you make your way back into your apartment and shut the door, knocking your head against the door in disappointment at yourself.

"what is wrong with you?" you ask yourself, running a hand down your face. "who does that? he's your boyfriend, not your twelve-year-old cousin."

creaks from the apartment in front of you interrupt your pity party, and you force yourself to raise your chin so you can look into the peephole. your neighbor appears, wrapped in a robe with a phone pressed against her ear. you can faintly hear her side of the conversation while she converses with whoever is on the other line, her tone surprised as she looks down the hallway towards where bucky left.

"no, she actually has a boyfriend! i can't believe it either, but they see each other almost every day and kiss and do the whole lovesick thing!" did she not believe you? how lonely did she think you were?

"yes, he's very attractive! very, very. i am as surprised at this as you are. i think he would be such a good fit with my daisy, so i thought i would just wait until they were broken up, but i don't see anything like that happening!"

your neighbor sucks.

miss sellack tugs her robe closer to her body as she continues to chat, going back inside her apartment and shutting the door.

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