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pairings: platonic!penelope garcia x reader, spencer reid x reader, various!platonic!oc x reader
warnings: mentions of teenage pregnancy, mentions of divorce, mentioned of death and surgery
about: penelope is proud of you. even if you aren't proud of yourself.
a/n: this is a comfort fic- SO up to more penny and y/n friendship (or more?? i've never written wlw and that's only cuz i don't want to mess something up, but if y'all want me to try, i will!!) bits

it was one of those weeks where nothing was going right. your best friend outside the bau was in the hospital due to an accident, your aunt was hounding you to help her find an affordable divorce lawyer, and your fifteen-year-old goddaughter had found out she was pregnant and was staying with you after her mom threw her out. the last two cases had ended badly, and the current one wasn't going as well as hoped either.

you were so overwhelmed, it was beginning to affect you in your job.

it was halfway through the week when your week got even worse. the mother of your goddaughter had called you to tell you to stop calling her, since "she couldn't be the mother of such a disgrace."

you groaned, two fingers massaging your temple as you moved out of the room where the members of the bau were.

"joy, she's your child, your job is to love and support her no matter what she do- excluding extreme circumstances, like-"

"do you know how many times i've told her to not have sex this young? and if she had to, she had to use protection? after all that and she still did this? i'm forty-two, y/n. i can't be a grandmother."

"i know, i know, she messed up, but she needs her mom, especially right now. she's terrified, and you having kicked her out didn't help."

"look, i-"

"let me finish. she still hasn't decided if she wants to keep the baby, and as much as i can give her options and security, she still wants her mom to be with her through whatever she chooses, please, be her mom right now, she needs you."

"she never should've gotten knocked up."

and she hung up.

you could've cried right there; you couldn't believe her, this wasn't the woman you knew, and you were aware of how much of a toll the relationship she and her mother were having had on your goddaughter, jules. it was stressing her out so much, she cried herself to sleep in your arms each day.

unfortunately, this meant you soothed her during the few hours you had to sleep, thus never getting much rest.

when you put your phone down, you had twelve new messages from your aunt and a missed call from the hospital.

you cursed softly, collecting yourself before calling back.


"yes, hi, this is y/n l/n, miriam johnston's emergency contact- friend. you called me earlier but i was unable to answer."

"ah. i'm afraid miriam isn't doing well. she has a brain bleed and is going into surgery at the moment."

you closed your eyes, taking a deep breath.

"oh. is- is she going to be alright?"

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