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pairings: spencer reid x readerwarnings: none, very cheesy, overdue for halloweenabout: yours and spencer's costumesa/n: it's a blurb- it's so short, i just thought of it and wanted to write it and i didn't want to ruin it by lengthening it just for the word count. i literally love spence but i only get ideas for hotch, so pls request for him!!


"this is so stupid."

you frowned at that, taking your eyes off your own in the mirror and turning to your boyfriend.

"it is not- this is hilarious!- and- and genius!"

"it's stupid."

you huffed, pouting, "spence- stop being so negative, don't you get it- i'm an egg and you're a counter-" you gestured wildly at your costumes, first pointing at the huge piece of cardboard styled to be a sort of counter (it was a box), then at the huge yellow yolk sitting on top of your chest.

"-because you crack me up!" you giggled at yourself, walking over to your boyfriend and grabbing his hand as you laughed.

you could see the beginnings of a smile, which made you grin and poke at his cheek. "awe- come on, pretty boy, you know it's clever- these costumes took so long and just thinking about the idea-" you giggled again "-was very hard work for a non-genius like me."

spencer rolled his eyes, finally letting himself smile as he kissed your head.

a beat of silence passed as you both stared at your reflections until he said something.

"do i really crack you up?"

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