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"gracias marias!" said a nice old lady when we reached her house.
i was going home but this nice lady was struggling to take her groceries back to her house and since she lived alone i decided to be like the madrigals and use my powers to help her out by making the groceries float beside us.
"you're welcome mrs.mirandez." i smiled while she unlocked her front door.

"i'm so happy you and your brother are helping us, the madrigals sure need a vacation." the woman joked while i gently walked inside with all the bags.
"where can i put these?" i asked "on the counter dear." i gently set down the bags onto the countertop of her kitchen.
"here." said the lady handing me a piece of chocolate, i grinned.
"thank you!" mrs.mirandez smiled back.

"we're glad there's more people to help us." she sighed with content.
"well we're glad you don't hate us." i shrugged while we walked to the front door.
"why would we?  you are the best kind of people." i blushed.
"thank you." the lady nodded her head while i got out of the house and closer her door.

i sighed in content and bit onto a little square of the chocolate.
"hey-" i jumped punching the sudden person on the face, i gasped noticing it was camilo, that now because of the punch shifted firstly onto luísa and then mr.felix before shifting back to himself.
"the fuck?" he groaned holding his cheek.
"i'm so sorry!" i panicked.

i gave him the last piece of my chocolate, he looked at it and chuckled before accepting.
"thanks." he said biting onto it.
"what are you doing out here?" i asked fidgeting with my fingers while feeling guilty about the punch.
"came to escort you home." he shrugged, i nodded somehow feeling a bit awkward.
"thanks." i mumbled before we started to walk back.

i wasn't sure why i felt like this since i literally spent the night in his room...perhaps that was reason, for fuck sakes he must've changed in front of me while i slept! how can't he feel embarrassed about it?
maybe i could be exaggerating but sleeping on the bed of someone you didn't even know that well is kind of strange, even with the knowledge that they changed their clothes while you slept on their bed.

"what's wrong?" camilo asked after a while.
"what?" i blushed in embarrassment.
"you're really quiet today." he said i bit my lip "is it me?" he asked getting me off-guard.
"sorry." i spoke quietly "i just feel a bit off after this morning." i fidgeted with my fingers again.
"why?" camilo frowned looking at me from the corner of his eyes.

"i mean," i rubbed my arm "we literally slept in the same bed and stuff..." i said feeling way more embarrassed by even say it out loud.
camilo beamed a laugh, i blushed shyly, he gasped for air.
"man you're fucking hilarious!" he breathed.
i stood silent while he continued to laugh "look," he breathed with a smile "i'm sorry if i made you feel uncomfortable, i was really just trying to cheer you up." he shrugged "and i was bored as hell so." we laughed.
"by the way," he continued "i did not change in front of you while sleeping i have a bathroom for that." he smirked at me, i smiled with relief.
"i guess i didn't have to worry huh?" i joked.

"it's fine." he shrugged.
"well sorry about that." i shrugged.
"dang you apologize too much." camilo whined like a little boy.
i laughed "oh my god my apologies!" i joked making him laugh a little with me.
"apology accepted." he winked before the two of us broke into laughter.

soon enough we had reached the house, everyone was neither in the middle of the place talking to each other or even in their rooms while julieta made dinner in the kitchen.
"hola maria!" mirabel and dolores waved with a little smile, i waved back while me and camilo walked to the guest room.
we walked in and instantly spotted miguel sleeping on his bed without wearing a shirt with his mouth open against his pillow.

"wow he's so handsome!" said camilo shifting into miguel while making a dramatic pose.
i beamed a laugh and covered my mouth trying not to wake my brother up, camilo shifted back to himself.
"this is why he's still single at the age of eighteen." i smirked making camilo quietly snicker.
"man even i get girls going after me and i'm just sixteen." he puffed his chest trying to seem cool.

"good for you." i shrugged sitting down on my bed.
"what you don't believe me?" he leaned closer towering me with his height.
"not really no." i smirked at him crossing my arms.
"i know you're lying." he teased.
"am i?" i pretended to not know what he meant, camilo rolled his eyes.

"time for dinner!" we heard pepa shout from the kitchen, camilo glanced at the door and then at me.
"well this handsome man is going to eat dinner." camilo dramatized a pose before twirling around and walking out of the room to the kitchen. i grinned while gazing down at my feet.
"what a fucking player..." i heard miguel behind me, i looked over my shoulder seeing miguel glaring at me with his sleep hair.

"are you coming to dinner?" i glared back.
"are you blind motherfucker?" he said.
"suck my dick." i sighed and walked towards the kitchen.
"i would if it was big enough!" i heard him shout once i left the room.
i walked inside the dining room noticing some of the madrigals already sat down on the table while talking to each other.

"maria!" i heard camilo whisper, i looked at him noticing his hand patting on the chair next to his. i looked around before quietly sitting down next to him, he smiled at me and i smiled back.
"camilo stop staring at your girlfriend so much." isabela teased while she placed one of the pots onto the table, camilo slightly blushed while looking away.
"no we're just friends!" i explained nervously.

"cut it off isabela they just met." said mirabel receiving a glare from isabela.
"have you ever heard of true love?" she mocked, mirabel chuckled before winking at me.
"alright settle down girls." julieta smirked letting the two girls sit down in front of us.
everyone sat down on the table, mom whispered something to dad before looking back at me from the corner of the table with a frown.

"maria where is your brother?" she asked.
"he's sleeping." i shrugged, my mom rolled her eyes before looking over at my dad who was laughing at the situation.
"he was too afraid to show up." camilo teased.
"maybe because of your manliness?" i teased back getting a laugh from the family.
"bet." he smirked before putting food onto his plate.

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