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the soft grass slightly moving by the wind, birds flying away probably to bring something to antonio and a sky made out of water-a cloudless oasis.
those were the things i tried to distract myself with, i kept feeling a bit odd since i literally exposed myself to camilo without his consent. how come he wasn't annoyed by me? my grandmother would surely get angry whenever i told her my troubles.

'only weak people show emotion' she said 'not even your sister was like this' she yelled 'you're supposed to behave' she groaned.
how come camilo didn't feel like that?

"how are you feeling?" asked camilo still big spooning me.
"embarrassed." i spoke quietly.
"why?" he began to rub my arm gently.
"because i just annoyed you with my fucking business." i sighed, camilo chuckled and flopped himself on top of me.

"agh you're heavy!" i whined trying to push him off.
i eventually gave up and let him just lay down across my chest.
"you didn't annoy me you know, all you did was letting out what stressed you." he was then on top of me with his hands next to my shoulders, helping his upper part of the body stand up a few inches from mine.

i frowned "why?" he chuckled.
"because it's normal!" he then dropped himself next to me "many people talk about their stress with people they trust," he smiled at me "like i did with you." he patted me in the head.

"you didn't bother me." i looked over at him.
"and you will never bother me," he looked back with a warm smile "so cheer up!" he pinched my cheek.
"ok ok." i chuckled "thank you camilo." i smiled noticing a tint of blush in his face.
"you're welcome chula." he chuckled and looked away.

after a while camilo and i decided to head back since it was just a few minutes before lunch. i wasn't sure but i felt weird coming back after my little breakdown but that silly feeling would pass away.

"do you wanna stay at your room or mine?" asked camilo with crossed arms.
"maybe yours?-if you don't mind of course." i fidgeted with my fingers.
"of course," he shrugged before leading me to his room.

we entered his room but it was blank inside, just a pitch black room.
"so," camilo sighed "wanna go to the city?" he asked with a smirk.
"the city?" suddenly the room began to form up huge buildings and churches, making a complete replica of the city that stood worlds away from encanto.

"wow, the city's beautiful." i gasped looking at the huge tree that was planted in the center.
"yeah, too bad it's too far away." camilo scratched the back of his head.
"maybe you're just too lazy to walk." i teased, camilo laughed.

"we have the whole city for ourselves cariño, let's have fun!" he beamed before pulling me by the hand towards a small ice cream stand that was being managed by no one.

"alright señora," he cleared his throat and went behind the counter of the stand "which flavour would you like?" he asked raising a brow.
"um... chocolate." i pointed, camilo gave me a thumbs up and put a scoop of chocolate on a small carton cup with a little spoon.

"is this eatable?" i asked looking down at my cup.
"yeah," he said while placing a scoop for himself.
"wait really? isn't this fake?" i frowned.
"this was put here by me, which explains why there's only chocolate and vanilla here." he said taking in a little spoonful of vanilla into his mouth.

"oh, let's not hope it's not expired." i shrugged before taking in a bit of chocolate.
"it's good trust me." he beamed before taking another spoonful in.

we walked around the deserted streets of the city as we ate our little ice cream cups.
"you know," said camilo "this place is way more silent without the huge amount of people." i chuckled before noticing a small little radio that was set on a wooden bench.

"can that radio play?" i asked pointing at the machine.
"duh," he said while walking towards the radio "it's mine." he winked before turning on the machine and choosing the station.
"oh yeah i remember seeing it in your room." i said finishing my cup rather quickly.

"here we go," soon enough camilo was able to find a nice little song.
"no sabía, de tristezas, ni de lágrimas." sang the man inside the radio "ni nada, que me hicieran llorar..." i smiled watching how wacky camilo could dance.

"wait could you hold this?" camilo walked over to me and gave me his cup, already a little melted.
"ok," i took the cup in my hands and sat down next to the radio.
"ok now watch this." he clapped his hands together before letting out a breath.

"hasta que te conocí!" camilo began to lipsync to the song while shifting into his dad felix.
"vi la vida con dolor!" he then shifted into isabela, he twinkled his long and perfect lashes trying to act like his cousin.
i laughed.

"no te miento fui feliz." he then shifted into the bald priest, making a silly little dance and making me laugh a little more.
"aunque con muy poco amor," he then shifted into dolores, moving his hips and hems of the dress.
"y muy tarde comprendí," he then twirled around shifting into mirabel and messing around with the hems of her colourful dress.

"is it ok if i eat your ice cream?" i asked noticing the melting cream.
camilo shifted into abuela and spoke with a silly grandpa voice "sure dearie," i chuckled and ate some of his ice cream as i watched him fool around with his gift.

"wanna dance chula?" asked camilo turning back to isabela while extending his hand at me.
"no but you do dance pretty well." i winked making him blush a little.
"thanks!" he cleared his throat and shifted back to himself.

"i'm tired." he then sat down next to me and took the ice cream with his hand.
"dang you ate almost all of the ice cream." he joked and looked over at me with a smirk.
"ice cream's good." i shrugged with a smile receiving a small laugh from him.

His Cornflower (camilo madrigal x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now