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"do you prefer a chocolate bar or those small balls made out of chocolate?" said camilo while we swang on the swings.
"you mean brigadeiro?" i asked with a small chuckle.
"yeah that." he pointed while almost breaking his balance on the swing.
i let out a small laugh "of course i'll choose brigadeiro."
"come on!" camilo shouted "how can a small ball of chocolate be better than a whole bar of chocolate?!" he said sounding a little offended.

"well have you ever eaten one?" i asked, he became quiet "i thought so." camilo sighed in defeat.
"ok ok," he continued "your turn." he smiled while swinging a bit lower.
"do you prefer..." i trailed off also swinging a bit lower "your mom's cooking or julieta's?" i asked.
"julieta's, one hundred percent." he said finally stopping his swing with a smug look.
"i thought you loved your mom?" i pouted getting a glare from him.
"well whenever she cooks the weather always interferes, so i'm sorry for not wanting to eat a soggy meal!" he crossed his arms.

i nodded my head "good point." he smirked at me "don't look at me like that." i glared.
he planted his elbow against his leg while leaning his face onto the palm of his hand, still smirking "what  are you in love with me or something?" he teased.
"shut up!" i hit the back of his head making him laugh.
"just saying!" he shrugged innocently.

"ok let's just do something else." i said getting up from the swing with camilo following behind.
"like what?" he asked while the playground slowly melted away from behind.
"umm..." i thought for a bit "we could do a sleepover." i said getting camilo's attention.
"like last time?" he said with a grin.
"well last time wasn't an actual sleepover but yeah." i shrugged.
"cool," he nodded and walked closer to me.

"now watch your step." he said placing his hand softly behind my back, i stood still while watching the room slowly morph itself into camilo's bedroom.
the grass under us trembled while it morphed into a wooden surface, if it weren't for camilo then i might've had fallen onto the floor.

"so what do you wanna do?" asked camilo while we walked around the bedroom.
"wanna tell scary stories?" i suggested getting a mischievous grin from camilo.
"yeah sure." he said before twirling around and lighting off the candles in the room, i gasped.
"ok that was smooth." i said, camilo let out a small chuckle between the darkness.
"ok here we go!" he said bringing a lit candle towards me, he sat down and placed it between the two of us.

"ok i'll go first." camilo stood up while cracking his knuckles.
"let's see what you've got." i crossed my arms while watching him.
"this story is about...bruno!" he said doing jazz hands, i frowned.
"your uncle?" i asked.
"yes!" he stated, i chuckled and let him do his thing. camilo cleared his throat.

"a seven-foot frame!" he began to sing in a dark acapella tone and twirled around letting himself look like bruno but with a scary look and a green glow on his eyes.
"rats along his back!" he slightly slouched his posture "when he calls your name..." he let his voice trail off in the darkness "it all fades to black!" he then appeared behind me and pulled me inside the darkness by the waist while music began to play.
"what the fuck?!" i breathed in shock finding me in a dark alley looking room.
"when he sees your dreams," i heard camilo singing letting his voice echo in the shadows "he feasts on your screams!" and right when i stood up he appeared in front of me while still looking like a scary version of bruno but with rats on his back this time.

"oh we don't talk about bruno no no no!" he sang in a dark voice. "he knows when your pet might die!" he twirled me around.
"oh my..." i let a small harmony.
"he knows when a storm shall come by!" rats trailed in lines around me.
"in the sky?" i sang quietly.
"if he tells you your hair might disappear," i was then pushed to the ground "well you better run because your end is near!" he placed his face closer making me jump and drag myself away from him.

i stood up by the corner trying to find the boy, suddenly his normal figure appeared inside the shadows in a sort of show stance.
"or maybe he might tell you your powers will grow." he said in a more soft tone while walking up to me with his hand out for me, i slowly took it "and maybe you could become the new star of the show." he twirled me around gently with a smile.
"but we both know that's not how it goes!" he pulled me closer to him before he disappeared into the shadows.

"oh that's why we don't talk about bruno!"he sang from behind me with his scary bruno form,and then rats somehow began to dance.
"oh he might tell when it rains!" camilo then picked me up before throwing me into a sand hole, i yelled while falling down the hole and then landing back onto camilo's arms "oh doesn't that bug your brain?" he sang in a darker tone while smirking darkly.

"please stop talking about bruno!" "that's why we don't talk about bruno!" our voices harmonised with themselves while i tried to run away.
"he might tell you your powers will grow!" he sang while pulling me into a dance "but..." his voice trailed off into the silence while we stood still in place, camilo then turned his head at me now in his normal look "we both know that's not how it goes." he winked and soon enough we were back to our previous spots by the candle.

i gulped, camilo just looked at me with a smug look.
"ok..." i breathed in shock, camilo frowned.
"are you ok?" he asked while placing a hand on my shoulder.
"nope." i shook my head, camilo chuckled while rubbing the back of his neck.
"sorry," he said "got carried away." he looked at me, hoping that i wouldn't take it badly.

"i guess we don't need more scary stories!" i quickly stood up before throwing myself on his bed, camilo sighed and went to light up the other candles.
"i'm really sorry for scaring you." he said while walking towards the bed, i chuckled.
"no it's ok," he then laid down next to me with his arms under his head"i just wasn't expecting...that." camilo chuckled softly.
"i guess i'm too good." he joked, i chuckled.

His Cornflower (camilo madrigal x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now