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"and i was like 'mirabel no!' and she was like 'im going to get that candle!'" said camilo doing little puppets hands and silly voices to match them "and then whoop!" he clapped his hands together "the magic was gone!" he said in a dramatic and raspy voice.
"really?" i smiled as i continued to brush his hair so i could make a ponytail.
"yeah, like i said," he shrugged.
"her imagination was wild?" camilo chuckled and gave me a thumbs up.

i then grabbed his hair and pulled it into the hair tie "ow that hurts!" camilo chined.
"welcome to girl world." i shrugged, camilo sighed and soon enough i was able to make a short ponytail.
"done." i smiled while camilo just stared at his reflection.
"i look amazing but i feel like my soul is being sucked out of my body." camilo scratched his head moving his tied up hairs a bit.
"don't ruin it!" i hissed pulling his hands away.
"ok ok." camilo sighed "sheesh." he mumbled.

"i mean," i looked at hair up and down "maybe you could pull off a man bun." i shrugged.
"well go ahead princesa, i'm all yours." he winked at me through his reflection.
"right ok," i said sliding the hair tie off "let's just fix it a little and then we can tie it up." i cracked my knuckles and began to brush out his hair for a minute.
"why can't you just tie it up?" asked camilo.
"because it would come out wrong." the boy rolled his eyes jokingly making me hit him in the head "hey!" he chuckled.

soon enough i started to make a man bun but the bun ended up looking a bit more like a small ponytail, i sighed and went to remake it.
"wait no." camilo interrupted "i like it." he smiled, i looked down at it leaving it be, i sat down behind him letting me lay my chin on his shoulder.
"what do you think?" he asked slightly shifting his head to gaze down at me.
"it fits you." i gave him a small smile, camilo chuckled and ruffled my hair a little.

"how come you're the only one with short hair in your family?" i frowned whilst i kept my gaze on our reflection.
"why?" i asked.
"well both señor andrade and señora juliana have long hair," he shrugged "hell, even miguel has longer hair than you!" he teased with a grin.
"wow thanks." i leaned back and crossed my arms, camilo then turned around still sitting cross legged.
"just saying," he shrugged with a mischievous grin "i like it tho." he said placing his elbows on my legs while leaning his cheeks against his palms, i grinned starting to feel a little flushed.

"aw feeling shy now?" he smirked, i flicked him in the forehead "ok stop doing that." he groaned moving back.
"aw did it hurt?" i smirked back while he glared at me.
"you don't know who you're messing with!" he pointed at me in the face.
"who? a small little chameleon?" i looked at him up and down.

camilo smirked and stood on his knees, i frowned, and then he threw himself at me. with a hand under my head and with another tickling me i was trapped under him, all i could do was melt into laughter no matter how hard i tried to escape or fight him off.
"stop!" i squealed trying to push him away in which i failed, obviously.
"i warned you!" he grinned.

"camilo!" someone then knocked on the door making us go silent, we looked at each other and then at the door.
"que?" he shouted while getting off me and then up on his feet.
"is maria in your room?" it sounded like dolores.
"yeah why?" he then opened the door after taking out the hair tie, revealing dolores with a smirk on her face.
"there's someone who wants to see her." she then winked at me, i gave her a weird look.

"ok." camilo nodded "and stop looking at her like that." and then he closed the door on dolores's face.
"someone wants to see me?" i frowned while getting up.
"fans i guess." camilo shrugged while placing a hand on his waist.
"i suppose so." i shrugged back
"come on let's get you down bonita." camilo wrapped his arm around my shoulders walking out of the room and then towards the front door where camilo's arm dropped instantly.

"gabriel?" i smiled and walked over at the taller boy, and yes he somehow was taller than camilo—much taller.
"hey maria," he waved and then looked at camilo "hey cami." he gave the chameleon boy finger guns before looking back at me.
"what are you doing here?" i asked fidgeting with my fingers.
"well since you can levitate stuff i just wanted to ask if you could help me out." he shrugged.
"with what?" i crossed my arms.

"my dad's carriage has a broken wheel and since today was the madrigals break i thought..." he sighed, i nodded "if it doesn't bother you of course." he rubbed the back of his neck.
"luísa won't mind getting off her break." said camilo standing next to me with crossed arms.
"oh cool." gabriel smiled.
"no it's fine i can handle it camilo." i gave him a small smile and turned over at gabriel again "i would love to help you." gabriel nodded.

"ok then let's go." he gestured with his hands.
"um...wait." camilo then rushed to follow me, me and gabriel looked over at him "i-i'll go with you..." he gave us a nervous smile.
"sure, the more the merrier." gabriel shrugged while camilo just gave him a blank look as we walked towards the boy's house.

i looked down at camilo's hand and decided to hold it getting the boy off-guard.
"are you ok?" i asked with a soft tone, he looked down at our hands and gave a little squeeze.
"yeah im good." he smiled and we continued to walk behind gabriel.

it took us a good ten minutes to get to his house but i suppose it could've been longer "here we are." presented gabriel showing a small carriage a bit tilted due to the broken wheel. camilo and i quickly let go.
"your carriage looks nice." i smiled walking over to the wooden vehicle.
"yeah, my abuelo made it." he said walking over to me, i gave him a soft grin.
"good for him i guess." camilo spat out.

"are you ok man?" asked gabriel while we looked at him.
"yeah, continue." camilo gestured, gabriel sighed and pointed at the broken wheel.
"ok so you just have to make the carriage float while i put the wheel back up." gabriel then pointed at the carriage, i nodded.
"ok tell me when you're ready." i said positioning myself, gabriel went on his knees and grabbed some stuff that could help him before giving me a thumbs up.

i took a deep breath and raised my hands open towards the carriage, with my full focus the wooden vehicle began to slowly levitate mid-air.
"wow ok let it stay right there." said gabriel letting himself lean closer with the wheel in his hand, i stood frozen just so the carriage wouldn't crush him.
"you're doing great chula." camilo shouted, i gave him a curled up smile.

"there we go." gabriel mumbled and gestured for me to drop it, i nodded and slowly set down the carriage on the floor "ok thanks." he smiled at me.
"ok so we're done here right?" asked camilo walking over to me to stand a bit closer.
"well i was going to ask if you wanted anything but it's fine." gabriel shrugged with a smile.
"thank you gabriel." i smiled back.
"ok let's go." camilo grabbed my hand and pulled me with him, i waved at the boy we left behind.

"hijo de la grande puta." camilo spoke under his breath.
"what?" i asked walking next to him, he looked over at me and sighed.
"nothing, i just want to continue our dress up game." he gave me a small smile.
"well since today is your break we can stay doing it as long as we want." i shrugged, camilo chuckled and gave me a soft nod.
"sure." he responded.

His Cornflower (camilo madrigal x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now