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"so tell me mrs.mirandez," i helped the old woman decorate her house with little vanilla candles "are any of your grandkids coming over for christmas?" i asked lighting one of the candles that stood next to a family portrait of her daughters.
"of course! they're just having a little vacation in the city." she giggled.
"well i'm happy you're able to spend christmas with people, who knows, time is short." i smiled, she chuckled.
"it sure is," she then lit the candle that stood next to her dead husband's portrait.

"is your family spending christmas with the madrigals?" asked the woman, i sat down on her couch and she did the same.
"we'll not sure, we still have to look for somewhere else to stay." i shrugged.
"oh but you could all stay together!" she gasped.
"my parents don't want to bother them, besides we don't even know if we're going stay here for long." i smiled, she nodded her head.

"well are you going to at least stay here in encanto?" she tilted her head.
"not sure, i would be nice though." the woman grinned.
"you could always stay with me here." she winked, i tilted my head.
"but we're four people?" i said, the woman shrugged "who cares?" she chuckled.
"what about your kids?" i frowned "they only visit me on christmas," she shrugged "and besides, it would be nice to not be alone here." she placed her hand on top of mine.

"i'll tell them about the offer." i winked, she chuckled.
"well you're welcome here anytime." she pinched my cheek.
"well," i stood up "is there anything else you need me to do?" i asked placing my hands against my waist.
"no mi vida gracias." she stood up to put her hand on my shoulder with a grin.

"goodbye maria!" mrs.mirandez waved at me while i walked away from  her house .
as i continued to walk through town i could see some people decorating the streets and houses with candles and little lanterns, gosh even the church looked nice.
"hola maria!" the priest waved, i awkwardly waved back at him.
"watch out!" i then noticed luísa running around and grabbing one of the wild donkeys running right pass me.
"dang that woman is fast and beefy." i mumbled to myself.

"maria!" i heard a familiar voice call out, it was mariano.
"hola mariano." i smiled at the hunk, he gestured for me to follow him so i did.
"so i need your help with something." he rubbed the back of his neck.
"what is it?" i crossed my arms, he bit his lip nervously.
"it's about the day of las velitas." he said, i nodded.

"i wanted dolores to hang out with me that night and perhaps...get married." he gave me a sheepish smile.
"oh," i said "what's the plan?" i asked.
"well i'll need you to go to the town center where almost everyone in town will be and distract dolores while i get ready!" he made a dramatic pose with his hand pressed against his chest.
"ok, i'll try. but why me?" i frowned, he fidgeted with his fingers.
"because if i asked her brother she would end up knowing." he shrugged.

"but she can hear everything?" i frowned.
"yes but she's in her room right now so she can't hear us!" he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.
"ok..." i mumbled looking away.
"oh gracias maria!" said mariano while aggressively shaking my hand.

"mariano there you are!" said mariano's mother, he walked towards her.
"was it mamá?" he asked while holding the woman's hand.
"oh i just wanted to ask if you've finished decorating the lanternas." she smiled at the two of us, i gave her a small wave.
"ah yes i just need to take care of the candles." he patted his mother on the shoulder.
"well get on with it!" she hushed him, i chuckled.

"i'm going now." i warned mariano, the two waved at me while i began to walk back to the madrigal's house.
i walked inside hearing nothing but my dad singing one of his favorite songs, i looked inside the dining room and noticed my dad with his hair down letting his long brown locks move around as he worked.
"acorda gentil morena, sem vestido,lenço ou touca(wake up nice brunette, without a dress,scarf or cap)." he sang quietly while cleaning the dust off the shelves. "vem que a noite está serena...(come on for the night is serene...)" he smiled to himself.

"oi pai." i waved, he interrupted his singing and smile over at me.
"came to help me?" he smirked, i chuckled.
"not really." i shrugged, he shook his head "what song were you singing?" i asked while sitting down by the dining table.
"os namorados da lua(the lovers of the moon)." he said before he started to hum its melody.

"a lua brilha...(the moon shines...)" he began to sing again "bons cidadãos.(good citizens.)" i smiled while i continued to watch him clean.
my dad had a way with the cleaning, it looked quite comforting to him, he once told me he could clean for an entire day without a break. he would never get tired of it!
"adormecei, adormecei(i fell asleep, i fell asleep.)" he grinned, probably noticing how happy i felt "e vós donzelas.(and you maidens.)" he twirled around with the duster "meigas e belas(sweet and beautiful)." he then tried to mimic a sexy lady in a dress. i giggled.

"pra nós correi, correi (for us i ran, i ran)." he sighed in content.
"you're a really nice singer dad." i complimented.
"that's how you win the heart of the ladies maria, note that down." he winked, i rolled my eyes jokingly.
"and what about a man's heart?" i crossed my arms, my dad thought for a little bit and chuckled.
"i guess," he trailed off "you just have to be kind and polite." he shrugged "but always carry a knife." he whispered. i gulped.

"ok..." i gave him a nervous smile.
"estação primeira do brasil.(first station of brazil)." my dad began to sing again, his voice singing softly like the morning rain.
"ao ver a mangueira, nela inteira se viu...(when she saw the hose, in it she saw herself.)" he patted my head before he began to wiped down the counters and table.

"exibiu-se sua face verdadeira.(she showed her true face.)" he began to move his hips along his own beat.
"que alegria...(such joy...)" i chuckled and stood up "não ter sido em vão que ela expediu(her goodbye not being in vein.)" i stood by the door frame while he continued to clean happily.
"i'll stop bothering you." i warned, he gave me a thumbs up and began to sweep the floor with a broom.

"andrade!" felix then came in "i need your help with something." he said pulling my dad with him.
"with that?" he asked.
"with the ice pepa made." felix rubbed the back of his neck, my dad chuckled.
"whatever you want amigo." felix patted him in the back while they began to walk towards pepa's room.

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