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➳Audrey's POV

All I hear is the sound of my alarm. I get up and turn it off. Today's the day, last day of school for me. I'm so happy to get out of that hell hole. I get began brushing my hair. I'm actually getting really tired of this color.

I look through my closet to see what I would wear. I grabbed a oversized Misfits sweater. I got this a while back with Mikey. We decided to wear the same thing one day. I slim into my ripped black jeans I bought that same. Hopefully me and him aren't wearing the same thing. It would look so weird.

I grab my my phone and my earbuds off of the nightstand. I got my book bag and head out my door. I open my door and bump into someone. I lucky didn't land on my ass. That would've hurt a shit load.

"Are you okay"

I look up and see Mikey wearing the same thing as me.

"Yea I'm ok, but we do have a problem here."

"What the problem?" He asked confused.

"You have to change because
Not changing and we aren't matching." I said a bit too mean.

"Why? I think we look like cute brother and sisters." He said with a sad face.

"Fine, but you have to give me a ride to school."


I head outside it was beautiful outside. I waited for him in the car. I untangled my earbuds and plug them into my phone. I listen to Better Off Dead by Sleeping With sirens. Their new album, Madness, was amazing.

Mikey finally get in the car. He did something you're supposed to do. He pulled out my earbuds out my ear. I swear to god I would've kill him.


"I'm sorry. I was going to tell you to use the aux able instead."

"You could've just tapped my shoulders." I said as connecting the aux table to my phone.

We finally arrived to school I didn't even wanted to get out the car.

"Bye. I'll pick you up after school, and remember fuck what people think."

I wave him good bye. After I turn around everybody looks at me. They began whispering to each other. I just began walking, I could really give a shit right now. I get to my locker and get my books.

I closed my locker and start walking to class. I was about 7 or 8 feet away from my class until someone pushed me down. I look up to see the quarterback of my school. His name was Kyle

"So, I heard you're dropping out." He smirked.

"Y-yea." I stuttered.

"We'll here something you can remember me by." He said as he started to give me a hickey.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!?" I screamed while pushing him off.

"Making out with you, duh??" He said raising his eyebrow.

" I mean why are you doing this. You have bullying me since 8th grade. Why are you trying to make out with me?" I said panicking.

"I've always liked you since I saw you. The only reason I bullied you was because for once in my life I wanted to be popular." He replied

"I have to go I'm going to be late for class." I said running to my class.

I opened the door but my teacher happens to be asleep, hopefully he didn't take attendance yet. I tapped his shoulders and sat in the back he took the attendance and fell back asleep.

I just sit through the whole class listening to music and thinking about wtf just happened.

~Few Hours Later

I start walking to my last class I have. Which is algebra aka a class that wastes my time. And to make it worst Kyle is in that class. I went to the bathroom before so I can arrive a little late and I can sit far away from Kyle.

I open the door and the only seat open, was the one next to Kyle. Fucking fantastic. The teacher began to wrote shit on the board and told is to wrote them in our notes.

I just started to doodle in my note book since it my last day. The only good thing about this class was that I was sitting in the back. As I began doodling, Kyle passes me a note. It read:

Do you feel the same way?

I didn't at all but I didn't want to be mean so I just didn't respond. I just passed it backed to him. Why would he think I did after all those years of him bullying me.

The bell finally rang I ran out the class and went to my locker. I ran outside and started to look for Mikey and I see him calling my name. He wasn't in his car so we might have to walk home

I began walking to him until one of the most popular girls in school pulls me by the wrist and begins to talk to me.

"So I was wondering if me and could hang out?"

"Wait you're talking to me?"

"Yea. You could also bring your brother. Isn't he from that band 5 seconds of spring?"

"So you're only talking to me because of my brother is famous?"

"Well yea, he's famous and rich. He's also a bit cute. That doesn't matter as long as he's famous." She said smirking.

That was it. I'm so fucking angry. She didn't only justed talked to me because of my brother. But she only wants him because he's famous. You can talks shit about me but not about my brother.


Before she could answer I slapped her as hard as I could. When I hit her I felt so much better than crying about what should would say to me.

She touched her cheeks where I hit her. I can tell she was shocked by her face. I than punched her in her face. Before I can hit her again someone grabbed my wrist and held me back.

"Don't you ever talk shit about me and my brother ever again. I've had it with all your guys bullshit." I screamed to her and everybody.

I finally calmed down and began walking home. Mikey just kept looking at me. It was silence until he began laughing. I was really confused why.

"What's so funny?" I asked

"It's just that I would've never expected you to beat someone up." He replied.

"Well she said she would only want you because of your fame. So I got really made and did that." I explained.

"I'm so proud." He's said smiling.

"You're proud of me beating someone up?" I said laughing.

"Well us Cliffords can really kick ass." He said proudly.

I'm so glad to have him as a brother.

A u T h O r 'S N o T e
Hey GuYs I'm sorry for not
Updating in a wHile
So I made a really long one
AnD sOrry FoR those WhO
HaTE ReAding LoNg one
You Guys shOulD FoLlow
Me oN IG my @ is
~Stay awesome
Love you 👼🍼💦🌱🍃

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