1.8 (Re-write)

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➳Audrey's POV

I head upstairs and lock myself in my room. I don't know what to do now. I thought I would've been dead now. I walk to my bed and lay down. I stare at the ceiling, just thinking.

Thats all I do, think, and its never good thoughts. Trust me. What if i died a few minutes ago? Would I finally be happy? Would people be better off without me? These questions are always running through my head.

I get up and walk up to my mirror. I just stand there, looking and pointing out my flaws. There is so many. I'm too fat, too stupid, too pale, and I'm too fucking ugly. Why is everyone else so perfect, and I'm just trash.

The more I stare at myself, the more I hate my body. Thats the only thing I'm good at, its pointing out my flaws. I look into my own eyes and I remember every single thing people called me. They all are coming back to my mind.

I see tears forming in my eyes. I'm such an emotional wreck. ( A/N: same, same ) I feel like I was a mistake. I don't belong here, I'm a freak compared to everyone else.

I sit on the floor and think on how I fuck up everything. All I did was just cry. I sat there listening to all these voices in my head.

you're such a fuck up.

Go do us a favor, and kill yourself.

Here comes the fat whore.

I think you need to cut deeper.

Stop eating, starve yourself.

I began to cry even more. All these things they told me were true. I started pulling my hair. I then started banging my head against the wall.

I lift up my sleeves and just stare at my wrist. I cry even more looking at my old scars. I feel so lonely without them. I miss them.

I went to my closet and grab the razor that was on the ground. I look at it thinking about if I should. I promised Michael. A few won't hurt, right?

I grab the cold piece of metal and pushed it against my skin. I moved it across, but not pushing too deep. I did 3 more times. I went to my bathroom and cleaned up a bit.

I wrapped my wrist in a bandage and but bracelets over it. I pulled my sleeve down, trying to cover the bracelets.

Just as I was done cleaning up, someone knocked on my door. I got scared and drop the razor. I quickly hid it under my bed.

"W-who is it-t?" I asked

"Oh it fucking Brendon Urie, its Michael who else." He said sarcastically. Which made me smile.

I walked to the door and unlocked it.

"So, what do you want?" I asked in the nicest way.

"The guys said they're going to get pizza later, do you want to come?"

"Uhh sounds fun, i'll go." I replied.

He won't notice I broke the promise, right?

Hey guys, sorry for not updating
In like years
I re-wrote it and I hope you
Guys like it better than the
Last one, which sucked
I love you 💟

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