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➵Michael's POV

We finally got home and I was so happy to be back with my family. Don't get me wrong, I love hanging with my lads and seeing all the fans but I miss my family.
My dad finally opened the door. I just put both arms in the air.

"Home at last!" Is all I could say

I just see Audrey run straight to her room. While we were in the car I've noticed she isn't her self. We usually sing to bands in the car. We would make weird faces while singing. Then my parents ruin my train of thoughts.

"Your dad and I are going to be out for a few hours. You will have to stay here and take care of Audrey."


Well now I can hang out with Audrey. Well, if she comes out her room. I just walk upstairs and go into my room. It's been a long time since I've been in here. I just sit there and watch AHS. I love this show so much.


I just sit there for a few minutes and then I remembered that Audrey was upstairs. What if they was a guy up there? If I open the door and I see a guy I'm going to beat the shit out of him! No guy is allowed to date my little sister.

I finally get off the couch and run upstair I just started started knock on the door.

"Audrey?!? What was that noise? Are you okay?"

The didn't respond quick she took a few seconds to reply. Why didn't she just open the door.

"Umm... I'm okay"

"Audrey... Open. the. Door" I said trying to open the door.

A few minutes she finally opened the door with a mad face. She has to have a guy in here. If she didn't have a guys she wouldn't have taken a long time to open the door.

"What do you want?"she asked me with a worried look.

"What the fuck was that noisee? Is there a guy in your room? If there is a guy in there I'm beating his ass!"

"No ones in here and calm the fuck down. Geez!"

"Then opened the door all the way."

She finally opens the the door all the way. All I see on the ground was glass. What the fuck happen in here.

"What did you do?" I say looking up from the floor.

"My glass box slipped out my hands"

I just think of how mom and dad would say. They won't be that mad, they love her too much to be mad a her. I just look at the mess and shake my head. I began making my way out the door. I turn around to tell something.

"You better clean up before m....."

That's when I saw it. I saw a razor behind her why would she have a razor? No, she couldn't of hurt her self. She knows better than to do that. She know that I'm here for her when she's down.

"What? Why didn't finished talking?"

"Audrey? What's t-that?"

I had to ask her. Maybe I was just seeing things. It might just be a piece of paper. But, what if it's is a razor? I don't want to know that my little sister is hurting herself. I don't want that to be true.

"What's what?"

I then point at the razor. Shen did t even answer me. She just closed the door. Oh my god. It means it is a razors. No why would she do this to her self. She is so better than to do that. How can my own little sister do this. I love her so much and it hurt to know that she is hurting herself.

"Audrey! Open the door."I say crying.

Yes, I am crying right now. I hate the fact of Audrey hurting herself j love her so much and it hurst my heart just thinking about it

"Please open the door?"

Come on please open the door. I keep banging in the door. Why can't she open the door. Does she think j would be mad at her? I just want it know why she does this. If it's because she dated a guys and he left her. I would find him and kill him for doing this.

Please Audrey, I want to help you ..

------------------------------------------------ Hey guys
Here is another
Update I hope you guys like it
So I want to know who actually
Read these
I want to tell you guys what j was going to do on Monday
And it's not a good thing
I actually tried to kill myself again ...
By overdose
But who gives a Fuck about me
Anyways lava you guys 💕

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