Part 14

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Big time skip: 1 year

*It has been a year and a half since you and Jungkook have been dating and you have also moved in with them and not them in your apartment since his place is more spacious*

*You are now laying in bed with Jungkook and Dahyun os at a friend's house from kindergarten*

*You are just talking to eachother about the future, and what might happen while you lay your head on his chest and he plays with your hair*

Jungkook: Did you know that Dahyun....asked about having a sibling? *Smiles*

Y/m: I need to hear that from her, not you cuz I know you want another baby *smiles back*

Jungkook: You know I love you, right?

Y/n: I do cuz I love you too and that is why we are dating...

Jungkook: cute *smiles*

Y/n: what? *Looks up at him*

Jungkook: You, you are my cutie *smiles pecking your forehead as you smile back* What would you name our child?

Y/n: hmmmm.... I haven't thought about it actually....

Jungkook: Well, you will have to think about, because it will happen soon *smirks*

Y/n: How do you know?

Jungkook: Because I will make it happen *smirks again*

Y/n: not without My Permission *smiles back*

Jungkook: True....

Y/n: We have to visit my mum first though, And you also have to meet her and I haven't seen her in ages *shocked*

Jungkook: Sure, calm down don't stress, does your mum still remember me? *smiles caressing her hair*

Y/n: I don't know but she will have to accept you *smiles*We need to pick Dahyun up first and then we will head to my mum's *smiles*

*You guys then get ready to pick up Dahyun and after that you went to your mum's house*

Y/m: Hi! My daughter is home! *Happy while hugging you* And who is this? *Scared for the answer*

Y/n: Mum, this is my boyfriend Jungkook and this is Dahyun his daughter .*smiles*

Y/m: Awwe, looks like we have a baby to raise *happy* Hello Jungkook it's very nice to see you *smiles* Don't worry about anything *smiles touching Jungkook's shoulder*

*You then sit down and you see someone coming in*

Jimin: Hi! *Hugs Jungkook*

Jungkook: Hey *smiles*

Y/n: I guess we are all getting along *smiles* Dahyun, do you want to go and play, I have toys in my old room *smiles as she nods and goes to your room*

Jungkook: Where is....

Y/n: In my old room playing *smiles*

*You then guys talk and do stuff until it gets late*

*Jungkook came in the living room with the boys and saw that his princess is asleep in you arms and smiles*

Y/m: Are you going to leave now? *Sad*

Y/n: I think we are mum, it's pretty late and I -

Jungkook: I feel sick...

Y/m: Did you have drinks?

Jungkook: Only one... *Smiles*

Y/n: I guess I'm driving *smiles awkwardly*

*You guys then leave and you place Dahyun in her chair gently not to wake her up, after that you see Jungkook going to the drivers side*

Y/n: Jungkook...

Jungkook: .....

Y/n: kook....

Jungkook: That's not my name *smiles*

Y/n: Babe?

Jungkook: Yes *looks up at you through the window since you are outside of the car*

Y/n: You are not driving.

Jungkook: fine... *He then gets in the passenger side and you get in and start driving home*

(I actually forgot about their job! I am so sorry, I will include their work place and things about how their job is! Sorry again!🤦🤦)

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