Part 4

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Time skipped: next day

*You wake up by your alarm ringing but you tap on snooze since you couldn't be bothered getting up early*

*After 2-3 hours you decide to get up and as soon as you see what time it was you got up quickly and drank your coffee as quickly as you could*

*You get ready, get your car and house keys and head out to work, as you were on your way, there was an accident and you recognise the plate number, so you stop and get out seeing your brother in an accident and your run with tears*

Y/n: no! What happened?! *You ask the police*

P/f: Are you family? *Asks while writing on their notepad*

Y/n: Yes! He's my brother! *Teary, desperate for answers*

P/f: There has been an accident, another man has crushed into your brother's car,...

Y/n: Can I know his name?

P/f: Hmm, Kim Jong-in... but it was by accident, he lost control of the wheel.


P/f: ma'am, please calm down !

Y/n: I will not calm down until you put him in prison! If you know what has done to me?!

P/f: I need someone to take this lady away!

Y/n: can I at least see my brother? *Teary again*

P/f: Fine... *Whatever tone*

*You then went under the barrier and look at your brother who is on the ambulance bed*

*After a while, your brother was taken to teh hospital and you went to work with no energy from what happened*

*You get your office and sir down at your desk*

Jungkook: Why are you late, again?  *He said it with enthusiasm*

Y/n: My brother gas been in an accident and I had to stop, I couldn't just leave without seeing what happened *you look at your files as of you are tired*

Jungkook: What's his name?

Y/n: Park Jimin, why? *Confused*

*He the quickly stands up and looks at you*

Jungkook: Are you being serious?!*cold tone*

Y/n: Nooo, I am being hilarious! *Sarcasm* Of course I am serious, why would I joke about something like this?! *you look at him* Do you know him?

Jungkook: Yes, we have been best friends since  High school! *Obvious tone*

Y/n: I never met you, how?

Jungkook: Our families were not happy with eachother so we decided to keep it a secret since we got along so well * cold tone, hiding his smile*

Y/n: oohh ok.... anyway, where is Dahyun? *Looking around*

Jungkook: with Jin *smiles* They always spent a day per week together *he sits back down*

*You smile at the fact that you already know that Jin salo takes care of Dahyun*

Time skipped: 11:40 pm

*You finish your work and Jungkook waited for you so you can both go and visit your brother in hospital*

-At the hospital-

Jimin: Y/n...Shat are you doing here. *Smiles sitting up slowly*

Y/n: Came to see you *smiles, bringing him into a soft hug*

Jungkook: You good ? *Smiles*

*You are surprised by the tone he uses around his friends and family but not you, even though you are just a secretary again and also a babysitter when he needs  one*

Jimin: Hey...bro *they do their short hand shake* So, how are you both here? *Confused*

Jungkook: She is my secretary and babysitter.... *Looks at you not even showing his smile*

*Jimin then looks at you shocked*

Jimin: you never told me you work for him!

Y/n: You never told me you were best friends! *You get back at him*

Jimin: I-I had a reason... *Tries to stand up for himself*

Y/n: do I look like Mum or something? *You raise an eyebrow*

*He then has nothing to say*

Jungkook: Anyway, I need to get going, Dahyun is probably wondering where I am *smiles looking at Jimin* Y/n, do you need a ride? *Looks over to you*

Y/n: yes, thank you *smiles back*
Bye, hope you get better, CALL me if you need something, I don't care if it's late and I'm sleeping *smiles*

Jimin: Go!!! get going already! *Smiles in pain as he would want you to stay with him*

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