The Demon And StarMan's Disagreement

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(Make sure to listen to the song above ⬆️ part of the story)

I look up when I hear the door bell soon going to the door to open it. I see Gene and hums "Hey" I looked like a mess. We both have food and coffee when I hear Gene speak up

Gene walks in with the food and coffee "how are you feeling today?" He feels worried about Paul because he looked like a mess

I shrug and head into the living room soon sitting down "I'm okay I guess.....guess getting sexually harassed is the new thing with rock stars"

He sits down the stuff on the table and sit next to him "Paul I shouldn't of left you that night" he sighs

I gets mad and feels sad too "you were the one that left me alone! I never have left you Gene for a fucking chick like always! You never cared!"

He frowns "Paul it wasn't intentional to leave you and I got back to you before anything happened to you!"

I growl and stand up "all I ever wanted was to be with you!!!! I love you Gene and you fail to see it! I leave my house in tears and go to Ace's soon knocking on the door

Ace gets up and answers the door soon seeing Paul "oh! Hi Paul! You okay? Come in please" he lets his friend in

I walk in with tears going down my face "I've been a mess since yesterday.... Is it okay if I stay here for a few days and I will pay rent for it?"

We have an agreement with me staying there for a few days. After a few days, I go home and lock my windows and doors. I didn't show up for weeks because I was a very hurt and I loved Gene but he didn't care to tell me that he loved me also. I kept ignoring phone calls and hid in my room during those weeks. I even threatened to leave KISS because I was done with everything. I didn't take of myself too that much and I haven't shaved for those weeks of being away

Gene had enough and the others were blaming him for Paul not being here which he did blame himself eventually

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Gene had enough and the others were blaming him for Paul not being here which he did blame himself eventually. He knew he loved Paul deeply too and had to get over being straight. He got bothered a lot about their singer being gone and that I need to make it up to him. He finally arrives to Paul's house and knocks on the door till he opened the door

I get out of bed and storm to the door soon opening it "WHAT!" I yell and see it's Gene soon feeling him clash our lips together and I hesitated at first but kissed him back deeply while pulling him in his house. Soon I felt tears go down my face and I was a mess still from everything

He frowns and kisses him again while wiping his tears "I'm sorry....shhhh it's okay Paul. I'm here's now and I'm not leaving ever again....I was wrong for pushing you away and I just needed time to think about what I wanted...I needed to figure out if I wanted to be with you or such...I love you so much Paul and I'm sorry for leaving you at the party for a girl and I'm not gonna do that anymore because I want you, only you"

I cry more and smiles happily "I love you too Gene.... I always wanted you and still do...I forgive you but please don't break that heart again....hurts too much to be broken again"

We talk for a while and I was all over Gene with kisses which made me very happy. I let him shave my face and clean me up a bit which made me feel loved and cared for

He finishes cleaning him up and kisses his soft plumped lips "there we go, all clean....if you need to change, you can....I'll be out here since you need privacy and I think I know about your body a bit"

I change in my room and freshen up soon walking downstairs. I go to him and looks at him "well I'm feeling saw my boobs that night huh?" I sit down next to him

He nods and couldn't wrap his head around it "but...but how do you look like a fucking man and no one can't tell" he felt confused

I pull out doctors notes "it's old....I found out when I hit puberty and my mother didn't tell me until I learned about it when I went to my doctor....I'm transgender and I don't just have mother tried getting the doctor to change my gender when I was young but the doctor refused because I wasn't old enough so I have a male figure and female body parts.... I have a vagina and boobs....I have my time of the month which is my period....I get so much more...that's why you see me hiding my boobs and that I'm uncomfortable when I get my time of the month.... I can also conceive babies but I'm not ready for that yet"

He looks at him with his mouth opening but calms down "so there's no penis involved?" He couldn't believe what he was hearing

I nod and smiles "I'm not too different from a female and I definitely do want to try so many things with you but I need time to gain trust with you and my body parts....if you don't want to be with me, I understand"

He smiles happily "I want you for you...will you be my boyfriend?" He gets excited and feels his crotch area throb from thinking about Paul's body which turned him on

will you be my boyfriend?" He gets excited and feels his crotch area throb from thinking about Paul's body which turned him on

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(The truth came out and we will see what happens between them soon. Thanks for reading and more is coming soon!)

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