Back On Tour

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When I was six months along, we went back on tour because Bret didn't want me home alone which was good for me. I know he wanted to stay home until the baby came but he needed to go back on tour again. When we got on the bus, I smiled at the other guys and I knew they couldn't get over how big I was now with the baby

 When we got on the bus, I smiled at the other guys and I knew they couldn't get over how big I was now with the baby

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That day I wore a blue shirt that wrapped around my belly just perfect at six months pregnant. I grew out of throwing up all the time and craved a lot of weird things which made Bret laugh about it. our last appointment, the doctor said our baby was a little girl and she weighed five pounds the most which was a perfect weight for her. Bret had told me that he always wanted a daughter and who could blame him for wanting that. I grew more nervous than Bret because I know the labor and birth will be very difficult especially being new to birthing children. When birth does come, our daughter could weigh up to seven pounds the most but she would be very healthy.

While on the bus, I rested on the couch due to being exhausted but pregnancy made me that way. I spent time sleeping most of the ride and ate in between which was a normal routine for me so my fiancé was used to it.

Bret plays cards with the guys and watched over Vinnie which he knew he was resting still on the couch " I can't wait to meet the baby when she's born and Vinnie has been talking about doing her hair and outfit"

C.C. Smiles happily and places his cards down that he was playing "I'm interested in who she will look like when she's born"

He looks over at Vinnie and smiles happily "I can't wait to have a daughter..... I always wanted kids but mainly a little girl" he looks at the others

Bobby looks at him "aren't you worried about dealing with a teenager with a period and attitude?"

He smiles "I'm prepared so I'm not worried....Vinnie also knows about that stuff more than me.....he is the perfect person for me and the baby since he knows a lot"

Bobby thinks "isn't he trans? I saw breast on him so I'm confused"

He thinks "he is but it's only between me and him.....he is transgender so he does have boobs and a vagina which is why he can have kids"

They all play cards for an hour and I woke up due to feeling motion sickness from the bus moving. I take deep breaths to try to keep myself from throwing up

Bret walks over and rubs his back "you okay? Is it from the bus moving?" He knew his fiancé was gonna get sick and has Rikki get cold water from the bar area

I get up quickly and hurry to the bathroom soon shoving C.C and Bobby out of my way. I get to the bathroom and violently started throwing up a lot

He walks past the others"shit" he gets to the bathroom and pull his fiancé's hair back soon rubbing his shoulders gently

I kept throwing up throughout the bus ride where it came to the moment where it became painful and stressful because I wouldn't stop throwing up. I laid in the bed out back because Bret wanted me to but I didn't feel good still

Bret walks into the room and feels worried when he gives him some cold water "you sure you don't want to go home or to the hospital?"

I shake my head and drink the water slowly "no babe.....I want you and the guys to enjoy an actual concert....think it's just the bum....." I get interrupted by the need to needing to throw up again. I get ready to throw up and felt Bret hold the trash can for me while rubbing my back. After throwing up, I just sobbed because I didn't feel well at all

He rub his back gently and sighed gently "deep breaths's okay" he felt bad for Vinnie and hoped he got over it

I sob more and gagged a few times "feel so sick right now.....I can't do this"

He keeps the trash can near and feels bad "babe why don't you rest for now.....I know it's hard but you got this baby"

I laid down and rub my belly. Soon my nausea calms down and I watch the baby while rubbing it "I can't wait for her to be born"

He walks over and kisses his belly "same.hopefully she gets bigger but I think she'll be healthy no matter what" he feels the baby kick

We both talk about our daughter for a while and I end up sleeping on the bed. I enjoyed when Bret cuddles me before I fell asleep all the time and I didn't know what I would do without him. I was very lucky and we were gonna try to get married before the baby came. I grew more tired everyday but wanted to do so much before I gave birth which my fiancé on the other hand, drove me nuts about the baby. The tour went amazing and I grew emotional when the KISS and Aerosmith family showed up for a surprise baby shower that Bret had planned secretly. I spent most of that day with our family and we got so many gifts for our daughter, like a lot of gifts because knowing our family, they always went all out on babies, weddings, birthdays and other celebrations. I felt special and it was just so beautiful  for everyone to spoil us and the baby which I even got a breast pump so I could pump for the baby. This was the best tour of my life and there was more to happen that Bret planned for me.

(End of chapter and so much more to happen soon! Can't wait to see what you guys thought)

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