Our First Date

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Vinnie Vincent POV:

I had agreed to go on a date with Bret but I thought he was cute so I wanted to give it a try with dating again but he would have to gain my trust. I've been in a lot of relationships with men and woman but each one ended badly. The men used me for my looks due to being transgender and looking like a female at the sam time, where the women used me for my fame and money which is why I lost trust in people. I wanted to find true love but wasn't sure if I was getting set up or Bret was actually interested for me as a human.
I also didn't have a family because of my past relationships nor someone to love but Bret seemed different to me so I was gonna give him a chance to prove himself because I've been single for two years with a broken heart and a very tall strong wall up to protect myself.

It came to my date picking me up and I literally almost shit myself when I saw how fucking hot Bret looked today while I dressed plain due to getting dirty. I saw him get out of the car and open the passengers side door soon getting in and thanking him. The car ride was quiet until he played one of my favorite songs from his band which was "Talk Dirty To Me". I enjoyed the song and looked at him soon smiling "I always enjoyed your singing voice....it's pure and beautiful"

it's pure and beautiful"

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Bret looks over "thanks so much

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Bret looks over "thanks so much....it took years to get my band started but it was worth it....I was looking to write a new song but couldn't think of the words and name for it"

I look at him and fix my shirt so my breast wouldn't show since he didn't know my secret. We talked for a little and listened to more music. Soon we arrive to a Ranch with horses at it which surprised me a lot

Bret gets out and opens the car door for Vinnie soon taking his hand "I don't own this Ranch but a family friend does and he said that we can ride some of the horses today....just stay away from his horse named Ross because Ross tends to freak out and kick people unless it's James himself touching Ross"

When we had begun, I grew nervous around the horses and tried to stay away because I got kicked hard by one when I was little and it broke three of my ribs which sent me to the hospital. I feel nervous and hear Bret tell me I could come meet the horse named Lily which she was sweet but I was hesitant about it

He looks at Vinnie and tries to figure out what was wrong with him. He gets closer to his date and holds him hands "if you don't want to do this, I understand.... I see fear in your eyes but if you stay by me, I can help you feel more comfortable.... lily is a very sweet girl and will never hurt you....children actually ride her"

I look at him and feel the fear hit my throat "you sure? I just.....I got kicked when I was very young and ended up in the hospital with broken ribs due to a horse....."

He pushes his bangs out of his face and rubs his cheek "I'm sure.... I won't let the horse kick you.... Now come meet Lily darling"

I felt nervous when we walked to the horse and he showed me that she was sweet and how to pet her. After a while, I grew comfortable and I actually liked this horse. He kept making sure I was okay and kept me calm

Soon we go outside with the horse and I grew scared when Bret was offering me to ride Lily. I backed away in fear and he walked to me, soon calming me down. He comforts me and offers to ride on the horse with me

Bret helps his date on the house and gets on with him. He tells Vinnie to close his eyes and breathe which he did do it

I keep my eyes closed and breathe soon feeling the horse move which it felt weird at first but I calmed down finally. After a while, we go on a romantic ride through a grass hill outside of the Ranch. I lean into him and relax

He smiles happily and kisses his cheek gently while riding the horse

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He smiles happily and kisses his cheek gently while riding the horse. He enjoyed the moment with Vinnie and when they got back to the ranch after a half an hour, he gently gets off soon helping his date down "you see! Wasn't so bad huh?"

I blush and kiss his cheek "thanks so much for helping me through my biggest fear of horses.... I enjoyed this a lot but now I'm hungry" he laughs gently

He nods "same here....I would like to take you out for lunch and don't worry about paying, I got it love...... it's my treat"

I feel shocked at first "you sure Bret? I can pay for us since you brought me to the ranch.... I enjoyed this so much and would love to come back with you all the time"

He nod and walks to the car soon feeling their hands touch each other "of course, I don't mind at all....do you like cheeseburgers?"

I nod "of course I do, who doesn't like those delicious juicy sandwiches.... I would love that" I got into the car when he opened the door once thanking him again

He nods and looks at him "it's my pleasure but no need to keep thanking me love.... It's just how I'm taught by my mama" he closes the door and gets in on the driver's side soon starting the car

I enjoy the ride with music with him and I felt our hands touch when we both reached to turn up the radio to a song we both loved which was "All Summer Long". I blushed brightly and looked at him "you look amazing today by the way, love your style with the cowboy hat and leather"

He looks over while driving to the burger place "you also....never seen you without makeup before.... You look even more beautiful without it." He pulls up to the burger place

I smile happily and look into his clear blue diamond eyes which had so much emotion in them "thanks so much.... I feel flattered by the compliment"

He nods and smiles "anytime... now let me get your door" he gets out and opens the door soon see his date come out of the car

I get out and stare into his eyes soon walking to the front of the restaurant. The date was perfect and Bret was starting to gain my trust but I needed time to make sure it wasn't a dream or joke. We both enjoyed burgers and for once someone didn't judge me for eating a burger for once because a lot of people judge me for eating unhealthy things. I was falling deeply in love with Bret so much and knew if we continued dates, I would enjoy things in life finally but he needed to pass the trust test to get me to bring down my wall
When I got home, I talked to Bret again before going in and he had asked me out for another date in a few days which was gonna be another surprise. I ended my night in bed thinking about him and how lucky I was to meet him....if it wasn't for Gene and Paul, I wouldn't of found Bret

(End of chapter and I hope you guys enjoyed it! Next is another romantic date to happen and Vinnie will finally gain his trust after years of terrible relationships! More to come soon)

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