It's Time For The Princess

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Three months skip~

It was near my due date and I didn't feel good at all so I just relaxed in bed while watching tv and drinking water

Gene walks in to check on Paul "hey babe, how are you feeling?" He knew his husband wasn't feeling well and wanted to make sure he was okay since the baby was almost due

I nod gently and rub my round baby bump soon closing my eyes "yes need to worry"he feels the baby move gently

He sits next to Paul and kisses his head "okay babe....I'm gonna go clean soon so give me a yell if you need me" he heads downstairs and cleans. All day they have relaxed and he got a little sad when his husband wouldn't talk or anything due to not feeling himself

They both go to bed and Gene rubs Paul's head until they both go to sleep. Around two in the morning, I wake with the sudden urge to pee which I managed to get out of bed, to the bathroom but felt liquids dripping down his legs which made him freak out "Gene!"

He jumps up and rubs his eyes "you okay babe?" He blinks a few times and sees his husband standing there

I feel scared but tried to keep calm "our princess is coming....water just broke" I look at him and felt scared

He gets out of bed and changes Paul's clothes "want the gown we got on instead?" He puts out the gown and underwear

I nod and groan softly when I got pressure from the baby pushing down against my back and pelvis

He smiles happily and helps him put on underwear and the gown soon feeling the baby move when he rubbed Paul's belly "she's getting low so that's a good sign that she is ready to be born"

After a few hours of labor, I feel tired and kept crying from the pain. I grip Gene's hard tightly while breathing through the pain "shit this hurts!"

He checks him and looks at him "you're six centimeters....she's so close" he wipes the tears that were going down his husband's face and kisses him

Soon He watches Paul stand in the bedroom and help him through the pain when he kept screaming in pain "deep breaths babe....she's almost here"

After hours of pain, He felt that he was close to having their daughter which the pain was unbearable to him where he kept crying or screaming "honey I'm gonna get the bath ready so we could get you in"

I nod and breathe through the pain "oh shit  yes please hurry!!!"

He starts the tub and checks the temp which was perfect soon getting everything he needed for the baby

I groan and hear my husband walk over soon helping me to the tub. I get in with him and felt everything happen fast. Soon I breathe and feel underwater when she was about to come which I felt her head start to crown near my hand "oh shit here she comes!!!!" He bares down and pushes hard while crying in pain

He watches and gets emotional when he sees the baby start to come out fast which all he saw was dark hair

I screw my eyes and push hard "ow!" I felt her head crown slowly which is burned like a bitch because she wasn't just a small baby

He keeps his hands close and waits for her little head to come out fully "you got this....oh god she's so beautiful"

I lean over a bit and push hard soon feeling her head crown fully which I screamed really loud when she did come out fast. I touch her head and face "so much hair"

He nods and kisses him deeply a few times "it's beautiful and I can't wait to see her little face soon. I'm proud of you babe"

I groan and push hard "owwww!!!!" I feel her shoulders come out and scream

He catches her and holds her "hello pretty girl" he get emotional and sheds tears because he was gonna be a dad finally

I push hard and gasps when she slides out fast. I calm down and sees our daughter in Gene's arms "she's so beautiful"

He cleans her and suctions her mouth along with her nose soon hearing her cough. He lifts her and rubs her back gently while tapping it soon hearing her let out a loud high pitch cry "we know who she got her lungs from because that was one big cry"

I laugh and watch my husband clean her soon cutting her umbilical cord. I relax and groan when the placenta comes out

He gets everything cleaned up and gently lays her on Paul's chest "there we go baby girl, to your mama" he kisses him and sobs

I kiss him back "wow she looks so much like her daddy" he checks her ears gently to make sure she didn't get the ear condition that he got "ears are both here so she's really healthy"

After a few hours I feed her and have Gene take her which he refused to share her as the hours passed. I get irritated with him and just wanted to hold our daughter

He feels bad for hogging their daughter and hands her to Paul "I'm sorry babe....I guess I'm just too excited to be her dad right now"

I look at our daughter and smiles "it's okay....I'm excited too and she's so beautiful"

(End of this chapter and next chapter is a skip to a camping trip for the family on the KISS and Motley Crue side! Paul's and Gene's daughter is named Willow Mae Simmons-Stanley)

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(End of this chapter and next chapter is a skip to a camping trip for the family on the KISS and Motley Crue side! Paul's and Gene's daughter is named Willow Mae Simmons-Stanley)

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