A Movie Date

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(A New Relationship between Eric Singer and Vince Niel)

We went on another movie date as only friends but I wished we would become more than friends because I had feelings for him ever since we met. We had enjoyed an action movie together and on the way out, we talked a laughed together which was great.

Vince looks at Eric and laughs at the joke Eric made "yes that movie was funny and good. I enjoy doing these movie nights with you Eric....we should do more soon"

I nod and blushes bright red soon walking more with him. I looked up when we walked off the curb but I ended up tripping almost falling when I felt someone catch me. I see it's Vince and nervously feel our lips touch when he did catch me

He looks at him and felt their lips touch too but smiled softly. He goes to kiss Eric and feel nervous while looking into his blue eyes

I kiss him gently finally and the kiss turns very passionate. We pull away after a few and I can't stop blushing "Vince I never told you but I always had feelings for you....I love you more than a friend and I want to be yours"

He smiles happily and enjoyed the kiss because he felt a spark happen. He rubs his cheek and hums softly "I love you too.... I wanted to be yours ever since we met thanks a lot to KISS"

I think "wanna go to my place and we could have alone time?" I blush

He nods "mmm yes let's go!" He gets excited

We both get to my place and I kiss him deeply while we go into my room. I moan loudly as it for a little heated and wild

Vince moans and undresses him soon noticing he was transgender "oh fuck I'm lucky....mmmm loving you is my job" he undresses himself and gets ready

I lay down and widens my legs "and I'm lucky to have you babe....please make love to me"

We both begin soon and I felt him push into me slowly soon thrusting "ahhhh yes!!!" I moan

He thrust fast and breathes while moaning out loud. He moves fast and hears the bed squeak loud

I pull on his long blonde locks soon crying out loudly while moving with him. I kiss him deeply and shake violently "oh fuck babe that's it!!!"

He slams into him and moans loud when he felt how wet Eric was getting "mmmm shittt!!!!" He tries not to cum so quickly

I breathe and cry loudly " ohhh Vinnie I'm close!!!!!" I felt him hit my sweet spot

He breathes loudly "oh yes babe!!!! I'm very close too!" He thrusts more and cums very hard soon filling him

I orgasm hard and cum while screaming loudly "oooh!!!!" I shake violently and cry out

After a few rounds of making love, I grew tired but felt very happy for making love to Vince for the first time

I laid there and yawn softly while cuddling into him "so wanna be my boyfriend?" I blush

He nods and kisses him deeply "yes I want to be yours if you want to be mine also....god this was very romantic and amazing tonight....I wanna take you out for another date love"

I agree "that would be lovely so yes we can go on another date....what were your thinking" I kiss him lips gently

He thinks and kisses him back "I was thinking possibly horse racing and a dinner date. Do you like that idea because we can change it if you don't like that stuff"

I think and look into his eyes "I actually never been to a horse race but I would love to go with you to one then dinner"

He thinks more "we can keep going on date until we both go on tour again which sucks because I wish I could be with you all the time"

I nod and listen "very true..... well we can try to see each other or live together if you want.... I promise I will call you if we can't"

We both fall asleep under the blanket and I cuddled into his chest while sleeping peacefully. Our second date was tomorrow and I grew excited about everything

(End of chapter and next is the date between these two love bugs! Thanks for reading)

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