Rainbows Come With A Miracles

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We both were heartbroken that day that we found out that we loss a baby. Watching Paul was the most painful thing in the world to Gene and he wish he could help his fiancé feel better. But soon before they knew it, they were gonna have a bundle of joy on the way. When they got home, he watched his fiancé pray for a baby soon doing the same. Weeks have passed and we had to look for a new drummer due to Eric almost losing his baby but luckily things went better than they thought and Eric was to stay home for the rest of his pregnancy to rest. We got lucky and found Eric Singer for our new drummer

When they were planning, Gene knew Paul wasn't happy still but they did try again for a baby four weeks ago. They waited to see if they were having a baby and the pregnancy test wasn't positive...or was it?  He saw Paul throwing up again every morning and ate a lot throughout the day along with back pain

"Babe are you sure you are pregnant? I think the test is wrong because you are getting all of the symptoms of pregnancy and gained weight" Gene looks up at Paul and cuts some veggies

I sigh deeply "I think you're right but we would have to see a doctor soon to be checked over....I think I'm pregnant honey" I smile and shed tears because we got our rainbow baby

He walks over to him and kisses his cheek "I love you so much and can't wait to find out. I'm gonna make an appointment today so we can get checked out very soon"

After a few days, we see the doctor and I grew nervous when she starts the ultrasound to see what is going on

The doctor looks at the screen "you said the pregnancy test said negative when you took it?" She looks at them

I nod "yes it said negative but we knew it was wrong somehow" I look at her

She smiles happily "you guys are indeed correct! Congratulations you are indeed pregnant with a baby. We ran the test and it came back as you were pregnant too and everything looks very healthy. Would you guys want some pictures of your baby to take home?"

I nods and shed tears while looking at our little baby on the screen "yes please we would.."

She nods "be back with those and then we can plan the appointment for next month to check on the baby again"

We both wait for a while and I get excited when the doctor gives me the pictures in an envelope to take home. We plan the next appointment and got to go home. When we got home, I got pampered by my fiancé which involved a message for my whole body and a bath

After a few weeks, we deal with practicing with Eric Singer but it went good and I hear Bruce ask me if I was okay when I felt nauseous "ah yeah I'm okay" I take my guitar off fast and hand it to Gene soon excusing myself to the bathroom soon throwing up violently

Gene puts the guitars down and hurry to his fiancé side while pulling his hair back "you okay honey?" He rubs his back

I nod and feel better soon and got up to rinse my mouth out. I head back to the others " guys we need to talk because this is important which can cause tours to slow down"

The others listen carefully and look at Gene and Paul when they are told that Paul is pregnant for the first time. They all talk for a while and practice.

Before practice is over, I tell the others to not forget that they were meeting up with Mötley Crüe for the first time and to be ready on time because they were all taking one car to meet up with the other band

(Night everyone and have a good New Year! Will write more soon and some of the days will be planned later due to moving to a new house. More coming soon!)

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