One Day At A Time

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Paul's POV:

A month passed and I was even more bigger but I had stress out on my body because how heavy the baby was now. Today we were gonna see Gene's parents and I knew I wasn't gonna hear the end of the baby for the rest of the day. I slowly got ready and felt tired already but hid it from my husband because I knew he wanted to see his parents badly. When we got to his parents, I felt rushed to meet everyone in the family and see the whole house

Gene lets his mother show Paul around and kept quiet because it was part of the rules of being part of the family

I sigh gently and waddle while following Gene's mother around the house soon begging her to slow down because I felt overwhelmed but she didn't. I feel very sore after and stayed near my husband

He notices Paul is sore and rubs his back gently soon whispering to him "I'm sorry about my mother doing that to you....she never knows when to slow down or stop. When we get home, we should lay down and you can sleep"

During dinner, I listen and watch Gene and his parents talk. My whole body was sore still and I felt emotional which hopefully I didn't flip out or get upset at anyone soon. After we were done with dinner, I was forced to clean dishes with my husband's mom because it was to teach me responsibility. When I got done, I stormed outside to calm down but I knew I was gonna cry.

He steps outside and hugs his love "you okay honey?" He was irritated with his parents with how they treated Paul especially where he was pregnant

I nods and feel my hands turn into fist soon sobbing hard "I'm not okay!!!!" I shouted and cry loudly

He gets mad because he knew this was due to his parents being to hard on Paul about responsibility. He goes inside to talk to his parents and it ended in an argument but soon things calmed down and he went to Paul "babe please come in....we are gonna talk about this with my parents, they are very sorry"

We both head in soon and I sit down on the couch soon rubbing my bump. We all talk it over and Gene's parents apologize for how they treated me and said that they just wanted the best for Gene and their grandchild but knew they could trust me to be responsible.
When we got home, I rested whine Gene gave my body a full message. I feel good after and watched the baby kick and move when Gene talked to my belly for a while "she sure loves when her daddy talks to her"

Gene watches their daughter kick at his hand "she sure does....gosh I can't wait to hold her and be her dad"

I frown gently when I remembered that we were gonna go see my parents soon looking away. I knew things weren't good between me and my parents since they weren't the greatest with showing emotions and they acted like I was important to them so I was nervous with how they were gonna act like around my husband

He notices Paul is upset and kisses him "honey is it about your parents? I'm worried about you....are you sure you want to see them?"

I look into his eyes "I'm sure honey because they have been waiting to meet you.....let's hope they can be nice for once to me"

A few days past and I was grieving when we got to my parent's house because I don't think they would've changed. We walked to the front door and I watched Gene knock on the door soon seeing my mom answer the door. When we walked in, my mother and father payed attention to Gene and didn't talk to me or acknowledge me at all the whole time

I finally spoke up "mom, dad we are expecting a little girl.... She will be born in 3 or 4 months if you wanted to meet her"

They didn't really seem to care about the baby or the marriage and just talked about other things. I rubbed my belly when I got even more upset and looked at my husband with tears in my eyes

Gene had enough and whispers to Paul that they should go home. He has Paul sit in their car and stormed back inside soon yelling at his Father and Mother-in-law with how they've been treating their son. He argues and fights with them for a while and finally leaves the house soon getting into the car.

I cry for a while and hide my face because I felt unloved and unimportant to my parents "they hate me so much Gene!" I sob

He frowns "don't worry honey..... they got the last of me....I had a fight with them and they gave up soon realizing they were wrong for everything. Let's go home baby"

I nod and calm down "thanks my honey bunny....not a lot of people would've done the same that you did"

We get home and I just laid down to get rest while Gene gave me a message which helped me feel better . I knew I had to keep our daughter safe from some people since the only family we could trust is the KISS members of the band that loved us all dearly and we loved them back

(End of chapter and more to come soon. Sorry for not getting this chapter out soon due to being sick with the Flu)

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