Heaven's On Fire

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We just gained our new member of the band because I loved how he played which was beyond amazing. His name was Eric Carr and such a sweet guy. The band lost Ace too and we had to plan out to get another member which took another week and his name was Bruce Kulick. Peter came by to meet Eric and they chose Eric's new look for his character which he was gonna be the Fox.

When we got back on tour when new songs came out, and it came to video making which me and Gene hated it but did for the fame and money to help KISS  gain fans again. The reasoning was because me and Gene had to be interested in women for the song which was "Heaven's on fire". Gene wrote it mainly because he wants to shows me how much I drive him crazy though the others didn't know why so they assumed it was for the ladies out there

While on tour me and Gene grew impatient and I kept looking at him before concerts because I missed his touch. I smile when he looks at me and winks which made me blush

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Gene smirks and looks at him more while Eric talks to use both but we both end up not listening which made Eric yell at us to get our attention

I blink and look at Eric "oh yeah sorry....I'm a little tired today.... Sorry I didn't mean to zone out on you" I fix my shirt when my breast were starting to stick out which the others knew about them

Eric smiles and talks to them again soon thinking that there was something going on between the two "so are we meeting up with Aerosmith tomorrow?"

I nod and smile "yes and we'll also see Ace too. He is dating Joe Perry and we may or may not see Peter...depends if he will be with Steven or not but I heard he might be going to rehab due to his drug use"

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