Testing Our Love

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2 and a half months time skip

My morning sickness was so bad where I kept throwing up most of the day no matter how much I was eating and drinking. To even make it worse, my weight dropped down a lot so I decided to make an appointment with the doctor and let Gene know so he can come. I grew frustrated when we had to replace Bruce with Tommy Thayer instead. I just felt horrible before a concert while doing my makeup because I felt very nauseous and just wanted to do my makeup

Gene looks at Paul and saw how sick he looked "you sure you want to do this babe?" He knew the morning sickness was getting bad again "did you take the medicine to help the morning sickness?"

I swallow and sigh " I did but it's not helping at all and this had been getting bad since the baby got bigger" I feel my belly where the baby was and felt how round my belly was "I hope I'm not having twins because my belly is really big for three and a half months"

He moves over and feels his belly too "I agree. Well we can go to the doctors soon...I'll call them for an appointment" he looks him and feels his fiancé push his away gently soon running to the bathroom

I push him away and run to the bathroom soon throwing up violently in the toilet. I kept going for a while and felt horrible

Tommy and Eric walk in soon hearing Paul throwing up. Eric frowns and watches Gene go to the bathroom "I'm worried about him because he has been violently throwing up recently.... Maybe we should cancel the concerts"

Tommy sighs deeply "maybe....it's up to him because we know how stubborn he is when it comes to pleasing our fans"

I throw up more and cry loudly because it hurt so much "please make it stop!" My body felt weak from losing so much weight and fluids

Gene watches and holds his hair back "do you want to go to the hospital?" He worries about him and sighs deeply

I gag and sigh "please I don't want to, we need to perform Gene" I get mad at him mentioning the hospital

He frowns "are you sure honey, I don't want you to pass out or anything" he looks at him

I slam the toilet seat down and gets up "I SAID NO TO THE HOSPITAL!!!!! IM NOT A FUCKING KID AND STOP TRYING TO GET ME TO DO SOMETHING I DONT WANT TO DO ASSHOE!!!" I walk out of the bathroom and go outside to get fresh air

He stood there in shock and gives his fiancé a few to calm down. After ten minutes, he goes to get flowers around the corner, soon coming back after a little. He made it a quick trip and hurries to Paul "Babe I'm back, I'm sorry"

I turn to him because I couldn't find him "where were you?!" I snap at him and sit down

He pulls out the boutique of flowers and hands him them "I went to get you these to say I'm sorry. I know you can make your own decisions but I just want you to be careful especially while you are pregnant. I'm sorry for making you feel upset and you deserve a more better treatment than what I've been treating you like for a while"

I take the flowers and sob loudly "thanks Gene! They are beautiful and I'm sorry for yelling at you! I had no reason to all because you are trying to take care of me and the baby"

He sits next to him and hug him gently "now please get ready....me and the others will go hang out in the lobby area while you get ready" he has all of the guys leave and kisses his fiancé soon going to the lobby area

me and the others will go hang out in the lobby area while you get ready" he has all of the guys leave and kisses his fiancé soon going to the lobby area

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I get ready and watch them all hang out while holding the flowers still. I go get ready and try on my new outfit since I was pregnant now and didn't fit in leather pants or other things

(The outfit he's wearing since I couldn't find anything better)

When we got on the stage, my morning sickness wore off and bit until the ending

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When we got on the stage, my morning sickness wore off and bit until the ending. We all bow together and I quickly pull away soon running to the nearest bathroom soon throwing up into the toilet

Gene goes out back with the others and goes to the bathroom where his fiancé was and rubs his back "you okay?"

I nod and feel better soon "just feeling exhausted and weak but I'll be okay honey.... Thanks"

A few days past and we had saw my doctor which she agreed to try to find something for me to try to eat to help with gaining weight which it was protein since I was a man mostly and protein and other things were needed for me and the baby. We agreed to get more protein and the baby was confirmed to be a little girl which Gene was overexcited about having a little princess. The days passed after the appointment and I was feeling better along with being able to keep protein and fruit down which was good. I gained the weight back more and the baby was getting bigger and bigger which the doctor said she was gonna be close to nine pounds when she's born along with having a good length to her

On the other hand, Gene was buying too much but it got on my nerves because he was spoiling her too much....yes spoiling is good sometimes but this was overboard and overwhelming for me. I know he's excited for our daughter but he needed to calm down on spending so much. I finally got mad at him and he stopped but things unless we needed them for our daughter

(End of chapter and things will get better real soon for Paul and the baby)

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