Asking Me Out Again

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Bret has asked me out again and we agreed to do it again a few days. He has called me one night to tell me that he can't wait to bring me on another date which was actually very sweet. I had got in contact with Paul when he learned that we were dating and I told him that Bret was amazing but I needed to gain trust. Paul has told me that Bret is very different from the others and that he's in for the relationship if he likes someone a lot especially with someone like me. He kept telling me about Bret and how he was cheated by his long term ex girlfriend because he wanted to start a family but she didn't and just wanted him for his money.
When I learned that, I decided to let down my walls down soon feeling bad for putting him through this test. I told Paul that I loved him(Bret) and said I need to show him that I trusted him(Bret)

When it was that day for our date, I couldn't wait to show him how much I wanted him and how much I loved him. I dressed nice with light makeup and in a nice outfit with a leather jacket. I wait for him and kept checking the time because I wanted to see him badly. When he arrived, I greeted him at the front door soon looking at him in awe when he kisses my hands. I smile and lock up my house soon walking to car.

Bret opens the door to the car for Vinnie and smiles "you seem to amaze me with how beautiful you" he feels his heart beat fast for him

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Bret opens the door to the car for Vinnie and smiles "you seem to amaze me with how beautiful you" he feels his heart beat fast for him

I look at him and smile "you always amaze me with how good you look all the looks sexy on you"

We get into the car soon and I watch him as he drives

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We get into the car soon and I watch him as he drives. I look up when he turns on the radio and felt my heart beat hard when he plays a song that meant a lot to me

During the ride, I felt him looking at me soon taking my hand into his. I look at him and smiles happily when we entwine our fingers together while he drives. I lean my head on his shoulder and relax during the drive

We get to a trail and I held his hand while we walk it. We joked and talked and my breath was taken away when we get to a waterfall "oh god!!!! This is beautiful!!!!"

Bret smiles happily "I figured you would love you want to go swimming? I have swimming shorts for us both....if you're up to it since it's getting hot out here already

I feel uncomfortable and look at him "do you have an extra shirt or tank top? I tend to get uncomfortable with no shirts sometimes

He thinks and smiles "think I back!" He runs to the car and gets the stuff soon finding a thick tank top but was confused why Vinnie was uncomfortable with no shirt. He comes back and smiles "I found know, I don't mind you with no shirt. You are sexy no matter what"

I pause and blush "I'll show you when I'm ready to someday but not now love"I take s the clothes from him soon going to find somewhere private to change. I change behind a rock soon walking back hoping Bret wouldn't know what my secret was but it was easy to hide my breast because they weren't too big

He comes back and smiles happily "you look lovely! Now let's go swimming love" he steps into the water and enjoys it soon looking at him again

He comes back and smiles happily "you look lovely! Now let's go swimming love" he steps into the water and enjoys it soon looking at him again

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When we both got tired of swimming, I sat under the waterfall looking at him. I blush when he walks through the waterfall which caused his blonde long hair get wet soon walking to me.

He noticed that Vinnie was nervous and smiles at him "you okay?" He sits down next to him and holds his hands Soon rubbing them gently

I nod and look into his eyes soon leaning in to kiss him but stopped myself so I wouldn't rush it. I suddenly felt him grab my face and kisses me for a while which his kiss gave me a spark. My heart races and I kissed him back deeply which we both became a mess "mmmm fuck you are so hot"

He kisses down to his neck and smirks "you are also..." he pauses and looks into his eyes "will you be my boyfriend?"

I joke around "well I could also be your husband babe" I made him blush and kisses him again "yes I'll be your boyfriend"

We made out for a while and it made my heart beat fast because I loved him so much "I love you" I blushed when I said it for the first time

He kisses him more and pulls away after a while "I love you much" he knew that his boyfriend could possibly be his husband someday

We stayed until dark and decided to change into our clothes so we could stay warm which it was still warm but a little colder. I watch Brett set up the back of his car up and pull out food soon having me join him on a blanket for the backseat. We both eat and enjoy talking for a while and when we were done, I felt satisfied with the food I had.

He looks at Vinnie and smiles "would you like to sleep over at my place? I want you to enjoy this because I have to have a things I have to do with the band tomorrow if you just wanna relax in bed or do can borrow my clothes and take a shower there....if you want to, you can use my makeup to doll yourself up"

I smile and rubs his neck soon kissing him "I would love that" I appreciate everything he's doing for me and I knew he wasn't using me at all which was gaining my trust big time. We both get to his house and it was very big and beautiful "wow this is beautiful and amazing"

We both go inside and get settled soon getting into comfortable clothes which I borrowed his clothes for now

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We both go inside and get settled soon getting into comfortable clothes which I borrowed his clothes for now. I took my makeup off, brushed my hair, my teeth and did my skin routine. We both laid in the bed and I cuddled up to him soon kissing him Goodnight. We both fell asleep and stay comfortable in bed until ten in the morning

(End of chapter and more to come! Hope you guys enjoyed it and keep reading it!)

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