Feeling Loss

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Morning came and I woke up by myself with no one in bed. I knew my boyfriend was irritated but I needed alone time still. I didn't want anyone to worry about me so I got dressed and left the tent soon going for a walk since everyone went to get breakfast this morning. I walked for a while and felt lost in my thoughts soon sitting alone on a bench near the lake. I close my eyes and relaxed while feeling sad still

Bret POV:

I got back to camp with everyone with food for Vinnie since we knew that he was feeling down still so we just left him alone to give him time to rest. I walk to the tent and didn't find my boyfriend in the tent soon sighing. I go to put his stuff aside for now and look for him "has anyone seen Vin?"

Paul holds his daughter and looks around "I haven't seen him since yesterday afternoon....he's been upset"

Eric C comes over and thinks "he does like being outside when he's really upset so why don't you check the lake" he sits down and sees Brad walk over with their son

I nod and smile at them "sounds good....I'll find him and see what's going on because he's been sad since yesterday so I'm worried about him so I'm gonna talk to him. Thanks guys"

After searching for Vinnie, I see him on a branch at the lake by himself soon sitting next to him "hey babe....wanna talk?"

Vinnie looks at him and feels sad "no because it's dumb" he sighs deeply

Vinnie's POV:

I have been feeling sad all day because I wanted a baby but didn't want to be selfish towards Bret about rushing things for us. I honestly didn't want to talk about it and just wanted to keep it to myself.

Bret rubs Vinnie's back gently and kisses his lips gently but passionately "babe just please open up to me....I wanna make you happy and make sure things are okay....did I do something wrong?"

I look at him and go to sit down soon shedding tears which made me open up a little. I cry loudly and feel him hug me tightly while we sat down "I'm sorry....I'm very tired and overwhelmed....I just feel like I'm getting no where with having no kids at my age but I'm not gonna rush you to have kids"

I just feel like I'm getting no where with having no kids at my age but I'm not gonna rush you to have kids"

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He holds his face and kisses him "babe....I want kids badly with you.... Now let's go to the camp and you should eat since you haven't been eating good recently.....I also wanna do something to you later"

I kiss him deeply and head back to the camp with him soon smiling when the others comfort me. I go eat and enjoy the food soon thanking everyone. Later that day, we tell scary stories while the kids sleep and I jump when Bret scared me soon smacking him on the arm "ass!" I laugh and cuddle into him

Bret laughs loudly soon kissing him deeply while holding him. He rubs his stomach and looks at him soon whispering in his ear "we will try for a baby and have one, I promise"
We all enjoy the night near the fire and we soon get ready for bed. I walk into the tent and undress soon laying down on the bed and watch Bret walks in soon undressing him self. I moan quietly and watch him "you are so hot"

 I moan quietly and watch him "you are so hot"

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He smirks "mmm you are too.... Fuck I want you so bad right now so you better get ready soon" he takes off his pants and walks over to Vinnie soon kissing him. He gets between his legs and breathes deeply "mmm I hope you are ready"

We start soon and I moan loudly while gripping his hair "ahhh that's it babe" I gasp and laughs

He thrusts fast and moans "shhh babe....mmmm when we get home we could have a screaming session in our room"

I move with him and cry out "oooh honey!" I shake violently and breathe deeply "please!!!! More!!!!"

He pounds him and hits his sweet spot "ahhh shit I'm gonna cum soon babe!!!" He groans and cries out. We both kiss and thrust with each other which felt so good and passionate

I cry after a while and after ten minutes I knew I was about to cum and orgasm. My boyfriend came in me already but I needed more time before I orgasmed

Soon I cry out and whine when I orgasmed soon cuming hard. I shake violently and holds onto Bret

He moans loud and cums into him again soon pulling out. He breathes and shakes soon pulling out "shit babe that was beautiful and hopefully we made a baby"

We indeed made a baby that night and will find out about our little angel in Vinnie which his pregnancy was beautiful and healthy and we find out our baby's gender which was even more better

(End of chapter and more to come! Let me know what you guys thought)

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