Meeting Your Band

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I woke up at ten and cuddled up to Bret soon feeling him kiss me deeply "mmmm morning love"

He smiles happily and kisses him again soon hearing the doorbell soon getting up to answer and smiles at his band mates "sorry guys, been in bed and been lazy"

C.C. Smiles and walks in "it's okay lazy bones, go get dressed so we could practice" he laughs softly

He rolls his eyes and goes upstairs to the room soon getting dressed. He looks at Vinnie and kisses him gently "hey babe the other guys are can rest or do whatever you want"

I look up and sit up gently "can you make me coffee and something for breakfast?" I smile at him and relaxes

He kisses him deeply "of course babe....what do you want to eat?" He rubs his cheek and gets dressed

I think and smile happily "eggs with toast?" I relax and yawn

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I think and smile happily "eggs with toast?" I relax and yawn

He nods "of course baby....let me get the boys settled and I'll be back with you" he kisses him and hums

When he leaves to make food, I shower peacefully and get ready for the day. I do my makeup and brush my teeth soon going downstairs. I stumble into Rikki and felt nervous soon seeing him look at me

Rikki looks at the other man "oh oh ohhh!!! Who are you?" He corners the shorter man and sees fear in his eyes

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Rikki looks at the other man "oh oh ohhh!!! Who are you?" He corners the shorter man and sees fear in his eyes

I feel scared and looked at him "please don't corner me....." I feel him get close but then I see Bret come in soon yelling at his band mate

Bret sees Rikki "Rick! Leave him alone, he's my boyfriend and he doesn't like feeling uncomfortable or pressured... go hang with the other guys"

Rikki sighs deeply "lucky bastard. Nice to meet you dude" he walks away and goes to the other guys

Bret goes to Vinnie and checks on him "you okay? Did he hurt you?" He worries about him

I shake my head and hug him "yes I'm good.... He just scared me and you didn't tell them yet?" I feel nervous

He sighs " didn't get a chance but now they know but I will protect you but they know their boundaries" he kisses him deeply for a while and jumps when Bobby walks in

Bobby smiles happily "Bret found true love finally and this boyfriend of his is a keeper hopefully"

He looks at him and rubs Vinnie's sides "he is and will always be....I'm in love with him" he smiles

After we all eat breakfast, I sit there drinking coffee soon seeing the other guys go practice. I feel my boyfriend kiss me and kiss him back "have fun"

An hour passes and I get some drinks to offer to the boys and smile when the guys thank me. I kiss Bret and blushes when the guys tease us

He looks at his band mates "you guys should go date soon...if I found my true love, you guys can" he smirks

I spend most of my time in the corner of the room during their practice because I felt nervous still about new people being around.

He looks at his boyfriend and goes to him soon kissing him deeply "you okay honey?"

I nod and hold his hands "yes I am, just trying to let you guys concentrate on practicing" I rub his cheek and smile

After the practice, I see Bret walk in and smiles at him "so any plans?"

Bret kisses him "so I was thinking about taking you out tonight" he holds his hands and relaxes

I get up and blushes soon kissing him deeply. We go upstairs and he tries to get me to shower with him but I refused and made up an excuse

Later on we leave the house and go to the car. I watch him drive and turn on the radio soon enjoying the music which was a KISS song

I hum the song and feel my boyfriend take my hand soon entwining our fingers as he pulls into a drive in soon paying for to see a movie. We keep it casual and I relax in the car before the movie starts while Bret gets snacks and drinks. He came back soon and the movie started. In middle of the movie we go in the back soon pulling the curtains to the windows and I laid down on the pillows and blankets to relax while watching the movie.

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A few minutes past and I feel him kiss me soon kissing him back "mmm love you"

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A few minutes past and I feel him kiss me soon kissing him back "mmm love you"

He kisses him more and moans loud soon getting in between his legs and unbuttoning them but hears Vinnie tell him that he didn't want to try yet. He smiles happily and kisses him "sorry babe, you're right. We aren't ready yet. I'm more than happy to wait for that special moment for when you are ready"

When we got home, we made dinner and ate soon going to bed since it was late. I fell asleep quickly in his arms and enjoyed sleeping with my boyfriend

(End of chapter! Next chapter is the birth of the demon's daughter!)

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