New Relations, Gains And Loses

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The very next day we all were gonna meet up with Aerosmith and saw Ace again. We all talked and I noticed Eric and Bruce disappeared along with Brad and Joey (Aerosmith members)

I look at Gene while we talk and rub his back when he kisses my cheek "love you honey"

He smirks "love you too look so handsome today and smell amazing"

Steven laughs "you two are so in love and I'm glad for you both. Got news about Pete, he said that he's doing good. Can't believe he's almost done with rehab and will be touring with Aerosmith for a while."

I look over "that's awesome! I hope he feels better soon and we all miss him even though we all had an outfall"

He looks up and smiles happily "me and Paul are gonna go on our first date soon. I promised him a date and stayed with it"

I needed to pee so bad "yes you did I'm gonna go to the bathroom, be back"

He kisses his cheek and nods "don't be long babe" he smirks

I go to the bathroom and walk into the men's bathroom soon walking in to Eric and Brad making love in the next stall. I do my business and leave the bathroom while rolling my eyes "I'm back....sorry I was dealing with someone making love in the men's bathroom

Steven sighs deeply "typical....I'll go tell them to get a room which they can go to their own dressing rooms to do that"

I laugh "nah don't bother! I'm sure they are almost done hopefully and if they aren't soon, they can go find a room"

Gene laughs "reminds me of our first...." He gets cut off by Paul

I elbow him "Gene that's personal honey! Keep that between us even though the others found out that way"

He smirks and kisses his cheek"I can't wait for our date....I planned it out" he plays with his long curly hair

We all have fun for an hour and we all go our separate ways soon leaving me and Gene to go on our date. We get food and surprisingly it was amazing but this date was gonna get more romantic. Gene brought me to a romantic rose garden which roses were my favorite flowers because of the colors and look of them. The garden was all red roses and there was a white gazebo in the middle with roses twinned around the pile of the construction.

I walked next to Gene while holding his hand for a while and when we got to the gazebo I felt my boyfriend get on one knee soon pulling out a little box soon talking to me

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I walked next to Gene while holding his hand for a while and when we got to the gazebo I felt my boyfriend get on one knee soon pulling out a little box soon talking to me

Gene smiles happily and looked into Paul's auburn eyes soon talking "Paul I knew this should've happened years ago but I'm ready to take things further with you and make you my husband. You are the most beautiful and amazing person I ever met and I want to keep that with you. Will you do me the honor of being my husband?" He waits for an answer

I gasp and cry happily while nodding "yes! I'll marry you Gene!" I hold out my left hand and watched my love of my life slide the ring onto my finger

He gets up after a minute and kisses his fiancé deeply soon pulling him close. He rubs his face and lifts him gently in his arms "we need to escape to the hotel room soon....god I want you so much sweetie"

When we got to the hotel room, we made rough passionate love where the rest of the other probably heard us. I let my fiancé try new positions and every new one felt so good but the doggy style made me feel the most amazing along with standing while he fucked me hard. After that I fell asleep and cuddled up to him

(Time skip and a very gross and sad part coming up. Be ready because it's gonna be gruesome)

About a month after the tour, I panicked when I grew sick during practice and I wasn't gonna stay the whole time due to not wanting to get others sick especially Eric which he was a few weeks pregnant which I left Gene to finish up the meeting with the other. We both got home and I ran to the bathroom soon throwing up my lunch in the toilet. I groan when Gene pulls my hair back and rub my back "please don't do this honey, I don't want you getting sick too right now"

Gene sighs "no honey I want to take care of you.... I'm gonna run to the store soon to get you things to help the throwing up"

I nod and soon he leaves. While he was gone, I went to the bathroom to just find out I was bleeding a lot from my vagina soon panicking. I groan loudly when I felt so much cramping and more blood. When I started the shower, I saw more stuff come out of me. Soon I lean against the tub in pain and groan loudly soon seeing something come out of me which were small blobs soon knowing what happened. I cry loudly and hear Gene come in "Gennnnee!"

He runs to the bathroom and couldn't believe his eyes "shit! Were you pregnant honey?" He frowns

I shake my head "I didn't know at all and next thing I knew is that I was having pregnancy symptoms and I lost a baby! I'm sorry" I cover my face and cry more

He hurries and cleans him up soon calling Paul's doctor which the doctor explains what happens and to come to the hospital immediately so Paul wouldn't get infected. They both get to the hospital and Paul gets cleaned and examined. The doctor apologizes about the loss and gives him pain medicine to help

 The doctor apologizes about the loss and gives him pain medicine to help

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(Sorry for the sad ending of the chapter but they will have a baby together soon

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(Sorry for the sad ending of the chapter but they will have a baby together soon. More to come soon)

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