I Missed You/ Two Ecstasies Are Back Joined Together Again

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I saw my boyfriend finally and I became an emotional wreck because I missed him. I cry loudly and look at him "Bret!"

Bret starts to cry and kisses him deeply "I have a surprise for you but we have to have the doctor come check on you"

I cry more and smiles "go get him or her then please....I'm excited" I watch him leave and get the doctor. Soon the doctor comes in the room and does an ultrasound which I was confused

The doctor looks at the screen and moves the wand around soon facing the screen to Vinnie "congratulations"

I see a baby on the screen and starts to cry loudly "we're having a baby!!!! Oh god!" I feel excited because I wanted this for years

Bret hugs him and kisses him deeply "yes babe we are! I found out a few days ago and you are two months already! The baby is healthy and happy but the doctor is worried about your weight and how you went into a coma for a few days due to the lack of liquids and food"

I feel worried and frowns "I remember that before I passed out at home, I tried to eat and drink water but kept throwing up....I'm sorry I'm trying my best"

He looks at him "the doctor is giving you medicine to help you so we can get food and fluids in you so you don't get sick. I promise you that when we get home, I will take care of you guys and I'm not leaving you home alone anymore! You will come with me and I'll take care of you and be with you so this doesn't happen again"

Bret's POV:

After this I let my boyfriend rest in the bed and soon I got food with water which thankfully he ate it and kept it down due to the doctor giving him medicine for the morning sickness. We both got home after two weeks of being in the hospital and I pampered him with a message and bubble bath which he enjoyed a lot. We have spend a lot of time together and I took care of him along with going on dates with him

Time skip coming up! Sorry guys

I have watched my belly grow in the next three months but I grew exhausted which ended with me laying down every afternoon and I haven't talked to my family in a while due to being sick or exhausted. I felt really bad because I know my family was worried but luckily Bret helped with telling them that I was resting or not feeling well which I appreciated him doing it because I couldn't get out of bed.

I grew grumpy when the family wanted to meet up and I haven't told them I was pregnant but I agreed to do it which the day came fast. When I got to a park to greet them with Bret, they all saw my baby bump "hey guys"

Paul looks over his friend and sees that he was pregnant "a couple few fun months Vinnie?" He questions and felt confused

I frown and sit down soon looking at all of them "I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys....yes I'm pregnant and that's why I was feeling sick or sleeping.... I couldn't get out of bed for a week and worried Bret....we are expecting our first baby and we will be finding out the gender at the next appointment unless we change our minds"

They all forgive them and we all talk along with having some food which Eric Singer and his boyfriend (Vince Niel) brought. We all ate when Eric singer made an announcement that he was pregnant also and was 6 weeks along now. We all grew excited and congraduated him and Vince on the baby

Later that day, I relaxed with Bret which we watched a movie together and talked about the baby. The baby's appointment came for when we were finding out the gender finally and I grew nervous at the appointment that day. We checked in and the doctor called for us which we both walked together to the room.
I laid down on the bed and lifted my shirt since we knew it was gonna be an ultrasound which the doctor got ready and started the ultrasound. I watched him do the ultrasound and grew excited when he looked at the screen

The doctor smiles and makes sure that the baby's gender was correct which it was but he just had to make sure because it's hard to tell sometimes "congratulations you guys are having a little girl! Would you guys like pictures?"

I get emotional soon kissing Brett and crying happily "yes I would love that a lot.... Oh god a little girl!!!!!"

Bret kisses his boyfriend deeply soon pull out a little black box. He gets on one knee and opens the box "Vinnie I know it's early in our relationship still but I choose you to spend my life with forever along with our beautiful daughter. Will you do the honor of marrying me?" He sheds tears and smiles

I gasp at the proposal and cry loudly soon nodding "yes!!! Yes I'll marry you!!!!" I hold out my hand and watch him slide the ring on my ring finger soon seeing his. We both kiss for a while and I feel our daughter kick for the first time which we cried more when she did that

 We both kiss for a while and I feel our daughter kick for the first time which we cried more when she did that

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(End of chapter and next chapter is on for Peter Criss and Steven Tyler. Thanks for reading!)

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