Marriage And A New Kiss Family Member

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Between the two months of my pregnancy, we took a break and decided that it was time to tie the knot. We had planned a very small wedding where were were gonna have close family and friends there only which the wedding had twenty people there. The wedding was beautiful and romantic which it was in our backyard followed soon after to a small party to celebrate. Our honeymoon was at a beach house and I couldn't see it to be better than anything right now. We of course were gonna plan to go home in a few days and continue our honeymoon at home which my husband had a surprise for me for when we got home. Gene has became the most amazing husband in the world and made sure everything was ready for the baby. We were planning a home birth and have our little princess alone which the doctor cleared us to do that since she and I were doing amazing in health wise

 We were planning a home birth and have our little princess alone which the doctor cleared us to do that since she and I were doing amazing in health wise

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We spend a week at the beach house and it was a blast but I grew tired and begged my husband to go home which he agreed to do. We did a lot together and obviously made love a few times but I grew tired all the time. When we got home, Gene insisted on having me lay down while he gave me a message for my whole body which I let him do it to make me feel better since I've been sore from carrying our daughter which she was a big baby already.

When he started messaging my body, I groan in pleasure it felt so good right now due to Gene rubbing my sore muscles "that feels amazing babe. I'm sorry I'm always sore everyday"

Gene rubs his husband's body "it's okay babe....don't feel bad. I love helping you feel better and pampering you is my job... can't wait to see our little girl"

After a while I turn over when I felt better " come" I wanted to thank Gene for the message by giving him

He climbs up to his husband and kisses him deeply " mmmm love you" he feels the baby kick when he feels his husband's stomach " she sure loves to kick"

I kiss him deeply " love you too...mmm she does...four months left and she will be here in our arms"

He takes over and keeps kissing Paul soon looking into his eyes lovingly "I appreciate everything you do for me especially carrying our daughter. I'm glad I made you my husband because I wanted this for years... you complete me and I can't wait to continue my adventure with you. I don't see anyone else in my world besides gorgeous queen"

I smile and get emotional after a few kisses soon crying happy tears " I love you more than anything... I couldn't see my life without you babe... fuck you were made for me"

We kiss more for a while and I enjoy it so much because Gene was being romantic and gentle for once which it has been a while....if I wasn't such a slut, we wouldn't rush it to having sex all the time...yes I loved sex but when Gene was like this, this turned me on even more

I kiss him for a while and jump when the baby kicks hard when Gene touches my belly "easy baby girl"

He looks at him and smirks "that's my much like her daddy already" he gets emotional at the thought of meeting their daughter soon

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