An Early Surprise

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I had decided to go to a concert with my boyfriend and he didn't like the idea but I insisted that I went because I missed him. I didn't know that something was gonna happen that day and just went on with the day with my boyfriend and the band. I walked with him as we enter into the building for the concert with my hand on my belly and the other one holding his hand. We got to his dressing room and I watched him change while sitting down when I felt my stomach tighten which made me feel uncomfortable

Steven turns with his outfit on for the stage and noticed Peter was uncomfortable "you okay babe?" He feels worried and sits down while looking at him

Steven turns with his outfit on for the stage and noticed Peter was uncomfortable "you okay babe?" He feels worried and sits down while looking at him

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I smile and rub my belly "yes honey I'm back is just sore again" I ignore the tightening of my stomach and relaxes

He smiles and kisses his head "okay babe....we have ten minutes before I get on the stage... do you want anything to eat or drink"

The minute he mentioned food, my stomach turned at the thought of it. I feel very sick to my stomach and run to the bathroom soon throwing up into the toilet

He walks to the bathroom and rubs his back "you okay babe?"

I cough and groan softly "yes just feeling tired" I sit up and groan

He frowns "you sure you want me to cancel the concert?" He rubs his belly gently

I shake my head "no honey....I just want you to enjoy your concert....I'll be okay and I'll just lay down" I get up and head to the couch soon laying down

He worries about him and leaves to go on stage with his band mates soon performing

I knew something wasn't right and decided to get up soon feeling my water break which made me panic. I breathe and stand there. The labor got worse and worse which hurt like a bitch and I needed my boyfriend. After four hours, the labor took control and I felt the baby get closer and closer "STEVEN!" I scream in pain and cry

Steven come back stage and was ambushed by Joe and Joey soon telling him that Peter was in labor. He runs into the changing room and found his boyfriend on the floor "shit babe! I'm right here....let's have a baby"

I shake and breathe "ahhh it hurts Steven" I push very hard and feel the baby start to come. Tears and sweat go down my face while I push more

He hurries and gets towels from the bathroom "wait babe....shit our baby is coming!" He kneels and watches Peter

I cry in pain and breathe while reaching into my pants "honey can you please help me take my pants off, our baby is right there at my hand"

He nods and helps take off his pants soon feeling the baby's head "shit!" He cries and smiles "you got this, deliver our baby"

I push hard and screams blood murder when the baby crowns "SHIT!!!!!" I groan and push hard more soon widening my legs for the baby "oh shit here it comes!!!!!"

He gets ready and watches the baby come out fast "good job babe. Oh shit" he feels his heart jumps when he sees the baby's head fully come out "good job babe!"

I cry out loud and push hard with a loud long groan "owwww owww shiiiitttt!!!!" I feel the baby's shoulders come out fast

He holds the baby and watches as the baby's arms come out "push babe!!!! It's coming! You got this!" He cries loudly and feels excited

I scream and push hard a few time soon feeling the baby slide out fast. I cry loudly and smiles happily "oh god!!!!! Our baby is here!!!!" I touch our baby

He cries loudly and cleans their baby "babe we have a son" he has help with the umbilical cord and manages to cut it soon lifting their son up to his boyfriend

I hold our son and cry loudly "oh god he's beautiful" I kiss his head and smile when Steven cleans him more

When we got to the hospital, I rested and felt sore while the doctor checked over the baby "he's so perfect Steven"

Steven watches their son and kisses him deeply "he's a beautiful baby and I'm proud of you gave us a beautiful son and grew him till he was ready to meet us"

I kiss him deeply and smiles happily when the doctor comes over with their son

The doctor hands the baby to Peter soon speaking "he's a little smaller but he's very healthy. He will be ready to go home in two days"

When the doctor left, I rested and watched our son sleep quietly. I let Steven hold him and think of names "names for him?"

Steven looks at their son "how about Jake?"

I argue "how about cane?" I smirk at him

"No babe....oh gosh" he smiles and laughs at the name "Daniel"

I think "Archer" I fall in love with the name and hoped my boyfriend loved it

He likes the name and looks at their son "that's perfect for him" he falls in love with their son

We both rest in bed with archer after I fed him and fell asleep which we were very happy that night

(End of chapter and I hope you guys loved the chapter! Let me know what you thought in comments! Don't forget to leave a like!)

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(End of chapter and I hope you guys loved the chapter! Let me know what you thought in comments! Don't forget to leave a like!)

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