Our Second Date

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Our second date was gonna be at a race track for race cars which I was excited because I never been to a race. I watched as Vince drove the car and held his hand while relaxing. I look at him "you look so excited love"

He smirks "I think it's because I love race car races....I'm so excited for it but having you makes it feel even more special"

I kiss him deeply and smile at him "yesterday night was the most magical and romantic nights I ever experienced before. I never want that to end and you're the first person to not judge me at all for being transgender. I love you for that and I'm glad we started dating because without you, my world would crash. I've never been in love with anyone as much as you Vince.

He drives more and enjoys the kiss soon rubbing Eric's chin while listening to him talk to him "I love you also babe and you also know how to speak your thoughts and feelings which gets me to know you more better and enjoy the moments without you. Even before we dated, I knew you very well and I wanna keep it that way"

We both arrive to the races and I watched my boyfriend pay for the tickets soon getting snacks and drinks. We get to our seats which were in the third row and soon the show begins which I enjoyed watching the horses race each other. I held his hand throughout the show and had some snacks. After the show, we go on our dinner date which I grew even more excited to have dinner with my boyfriend. Dinner was even more great and we ended our night making love again.

One month passed and I had to go on tour again with KISS but it would make me stay busy though. I actually felt different the couple of days and grew grumpy along with throwing up most of the day, my head hurt, I was eating a lot of watermelon with whip cream too. I drove Paul mostly nuts with my attitude and he was ready to explode at me.

Paul POV:

Oh my god! I was done with Eric's attitude because this wasn't him and I was close to yelling at him because I was cranky already as it is because I didn't get much sleep the night before. Gene somehow calmed me down by keeping me away from Eric and got me a coffee which I felt better soon. I had to somehow figure out what was wrong with our bandmate. Tour has gone on three more weeks since then and it dragged on with Eric snapping at everyone and then crying which it finally snapped in my head when he got sick after breakfast which I got his attention "Eric you good? You seem bloated around your stomach like you gained weight....are you pregnant?"

Eric felt confused and sighs deeply "that fucker! Vince got me pregnant! Shit I might be?!" he hurries off to the store and gets pregnancy tests soon taking them when he got back from the store. When he flipped over the tests when I walked in to check on him, he started crying loudly which I looked and he was indeed pregnant

I smile and rub his back "please don't be upset....you should talk to Vince" I try to keep him calm

Eric groans sadly and sighs deeply "I don't know Paul....he will leave me if he does"

I look at him "and if he does, we got your back and will help with the baby"

(Eric's POV)

I knew I had to tell Vince and after a few days of touring, we head back home on the bus. When we all arrived home, I took a cab to go see Vince which I hoped Vince wanted this baby with me. Soon I arrive to his place, pay the cab driver and go knock on the door soon seeing Vince open the door.

Vince smiles and hugs his boyfriend "oh my gosh!!! It's so good to see you babe! Come in and relax"

I hug him back and walk in soon feeling nervous "Vince before anything, I need to tell you something important....please sit down"

We both sit down and Vince gives me a worried look but smiled. I look into his eyes "I found out something that's crazy but not crazy....this took me a while to figure out but I did....I'm....I'm pregnant" I feel my heart jump to my throat while tears fall down my face

Vince looks at him in awe and laughs happily "wait really?!" His eyes glow and he sheds tears soon feeling excited about the baby

I nod and cry loudly "yes we are having a baby! I don't know how far along I am but I'm gonna make an appointment if you want to come"

He nods "I would love to come with you to learn about our baby!!!! God I love you Eric!!!" He kisses him deeply

I kiss him back and go to make the appointment. I felt excited to have the baby with Vince since he was excited too.

(End of chapter and next is Vinnie and Bret again)

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