Missing My Ecstasy

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A month passed since the camping trip and Bret had to leave for the trip for his band. I felt sad and empty along with dealing with a lot of emotions which I cried a couple times that day. I walked outside with tears in my eyes when Bret hugged me.

Bret hugs him and holds him close soon kissing him "baby I'll be home before you know it and we can do calls if you want....please don't be sad love"

I wipe my tears and sniffle "sorry I couldn't handle it....so just for a month for this small tour?"

He nods and rubs his sides soon seeing the others walk over "you take care of yourself and yes a month baby"

I nod and smiles as I kiss him for a while soon laughing when the guys complain about us making out "you guys better take care of him!"

C.C. Laughs and smiles "we will take care of him very well for you Vinnie. You take care of yourself too buddy"

I say bye to all of them and head inside soon feeling tired so I lock up the house soon going to lay down in bed. After a few hours, I wake up and felt very nauseous soon running to the bathroom. I throw up for a while and shook because it hurt but soon went to go get water.

Bret POV:

I missed Vinnie so much and needed to do calls to him when I could which were before and after concerts every night. I even made a song for him and recorded it with the guys which it was called "I Won't Forget You".

I wished I could see his face and kiss him but I couldn't for a while still. After two weeks, I started to not hear from him and even made calls but he didn't answer or call back which sent me the chills because that wasn't him and it made me worried sick. I decided to give it a few days and he still didn't answer calls or call back which I left voicemails to the answer machine and waited more. It made me worried when he didn't answer to everything so I called Paul and he agreed that nothing is right so he went over to check on Vinnie

Paul ended up looking around the whole house and got to the room to find Vinnie passed out on the floor and the whole room smelled of bile. He calls the ambulance

I rush turn on the tv in my room and wait for a call back from Paul but my breath stopped when I saw Vinnie on the new and it showed our house with a fire truck, ambulance and police cars in the front. I see Vinnie get carried out on a stretcher soon hurrying to call Paul fast which he told me that he found Vinnie passed out and that he wasn't looking good.
When I hurried to my other band mates, they told me that they heard and that they are very sorry, that if I needed to, we could cancel the concerts and I can go home to see Vinnie. We contacted my manager and told him the situation and he agreed to cancel the concerts and other stuff that were planned.

After a few hours, I arrive at the hospital and told the lady in the front that I was his boyfriend and I needed to see him. When I got to the room, I was shocked when I saw my boyfriend and how sick he looked. The doctor explained to me that he was in a coma for a few weeks due to his body going into shock due to the lack of food and water from him being sick

I speak up and felt confused "wait will he be okay? He was fine before I left for my small tour and then he goes to being very sick?" I freak out with tears in my eyes

The doctor sighs deeply "we took some urine and blood samples, I do have new from the test and an ultrasound. We found out that your boyfriend is two months pregnant right now with one baby. The baby looks really healthy and it's a good size but your boyfriend is struggling with nausea and is having a hard time keep food and liquids down which caused his body to go into a shock like this"

After a few days of waiting, I grew impatient and stressed because I wanted my boyfriend to wake up. I left for a while and went to the gift store soon getting a few gifts for him and the baby which I wanted a little girl so I grabbed a onesie that said Daddy's Ladybug on it"

I get food and coffee soon heading up to the room but dropped my coffee when I saw Vinnie was awake finally "Vin!" I start to cry and hurry to him soon hugging him gently

(End of chapter and more to come! Thanks for reading!)

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