chapter six

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a/n: HAPPY PASSOVER !!!!! and Easter if you celebrate that too. lol I was gonna update yesterday when I was drunk. that would've been bad. anyway, this is on my phone again :( but here's the third update I promised you all!!!! :))

Elise's POV

Why am I looking at him in a different way. Why am I trying to look into his eyes.

Why am I even here?

Why am I here in the same room of one of my ex boyfriends? And is he here? Why is he even a teacher? A business teacher. Why the hell is he one of those?

I find myself trying to distract my eyes so they're not on him while he's talking. I mean, I should have my eyes on him because he is speaking but whenever I look at him I think back to that dream.

Why did I have that dream.

Ever since Saturday night, when I woke up from it, I've been questioning myself.

Do I still love him? I mean why else would I have a dream about him?

This is happening too fast.

Three days ago I hated him. I wanted to act like I've never met him. I wanted to forget about the past.

And now, I'm questioning if I love him.

I think I've gone certifiably insane.

I feel a tap on my right leg and look up from looking at my lap.

I see Douglas smirking and nodding to the front of the room.

He's sitting right next to me, all of the other students sitting to the left of me. All of us in the front row.

I look to the board and see that Luke is writing all of these words down that I think we need to copy.

I take my notebook out and pen and open it to start writing.

Then, all of a sudden, I feel lips pressed to me ear.

"You need to pay attention more," the whisper says.

I turn my head, backing it up while I do.

I look at Douglas in the eyes, "And you need to learn what personal space is. But we all don't get what we want."

I turn my attention to the board, copying more stuff down that Luke is writing.

My hand is going to fall off and I've only written four vocabulary terms so far.

I hear Douglas laugh to himself and I glance his way and see a smirk resting on his face.

I roll my eyes back to the board. Luke stops writing and then looks at all of us.

Oh gosh I think we made eye contact.

"I'm going to be in my office. After you're done writing all of these down, you can leave. We have a big day tomorrow so get rest," he says and exits to his office, a room which leads behind his desk.

I make sure to hurry up quickly, but not wanting to make it obvious.

Maybe I should talk to him. See what he's been up to.

I shake my head. Only then do I realize that I'm still in a room full of people who just looked at me, most likely thinking I'm crazy, which I probably am.

By the time I'm done writing everything, I realize that everyone has already left.

Maybe I really should talk to him.

But maybe I shouldn't. He seems busy-before I know it, I already knocked on his office door.

I don't wait for him to answer though. The doors unlocked and when I walk in, it seems that he didn't even notice I knocked. His back is towards the doors and he has his phone pressed to his ear.

I was about to speak when, "Yeah baby. Yeah, I can't wait to see you too. Alright, you're making dinner right? Ok Ari, I love you more babe," was said.

I gasp and run out of there.

He has a girlfriend.

*later at Elise's dorm*

"Why do I feel this way though?"

"Because you still like him," Juliet responds.

I'm laying down on my bed and Juliet is laying down on hers.

We're talking about Luke and his new girlfriend.

"Are you even sure it was a girlfriend?"

"Yes. He talked to her the way he talked to me," my voice lowers.

"Aw, that's sweet."

"No! It's not sweet! It's, it's," I try to find the right word.


"Yeah! That's it. Aggravating."

"Ha, now you know how he felt when he saw you with that Demetri guy."

I sighed. She's probably right, but I didn't want to hear that.

"You're jealous too," Juliet accuses.

"No. That is one thing that I am not. I am not jealous. I'm Elise Davis. I do not envy. People envy me."

"Whatever floats you're boat babe. Like it or not, you're jealous," she sing-songs that awful, awful, adjective.

a/n: short!!! I know :( sorry :((







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