chapter sixteen

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=UNEDITED= (I know they're all unedited but one day, I will edit all of them or my editor will edit again)

Luke's kitchen is on the side :)

Elise's POV

I woke up to the smell of freshly baked pancakes. Chocolate chip pancakes.

The aroma flowed all the way from downstairs in the kitchen to all the way upstairs into his bedroom.

I turned around in the empty bed and hugged the covers to my body because it was still a bit cold, the month being January.

I debated on getting up out of bed, feeling extremely comfortable being wrapped in the covers of Luke's bed, and the pillows feeling light as feathers.

I propped myself up on my elbows and looked around the room. I laughed to myself when I saw how messy the bed was.

I look to my right and see that he left a robe out for me. It was laying on a chair. It looks nice and silky and when I get up to wrap it around me, I confirm that it's a silk robe. It's silver as well.

I sigh and start to move to one corner of the bed, pulling the sheet closer to me, tucking it in the bed, and doing that routine on all corners. Once I'm done with the sheets, I spread the comforter over the bed and tug the end and side of it into the bed.

I look at my work and smile. I did pretty good for only making it by myself.

I walk downstairs after admiring my bed making skills.

I turn left when I reach the bottom of the steps, into the kitchen, where my handsome boyfriend is perfect his pancakes in his boxers. 


I didn't mean that. At least I don't think I did. I don't know what we are. Maybe I should just be upfront about it. But I don't want to ruin this. We had such a great night.

After the little war in my mind, I decide to tip toe towards him and scare him a bit.

Once I get right behind him, him still not noticing me, which for some reason, made me want  to giggle like a school girl about how oblivious he's being, I squeezed his sides.

He screeched a bit and then turned around with a grin.

His hands wrapped around my waist and he kissed my cheek. And I giggled and kissed his back.

"Hm, did my amazing chocolate chip pancakes wake you up?" He asked, his lips inches away from mine.

He moved me so that my body was pressed against the counter.

I broke the intense stare he was giving me and looked at the plates of pancakes.

"In fact, yes, yes they did," I returned back to him, twisting my body so my back was now to him, and I grabbed a pancake and started eating it with my hands.

He was still pressed to me and I could feel his hands move down my body and land on my hips.

I felt his kisses starting at my cheek and moving down to my jaw line. And with those lips, I felt a little bit of tongue too, which made me very... excited.

His tongue now was the only thing I felt as it slid down my neck and landed where my neck meets my

He began to suck on my skin while his hands moved from my hips to my front and I began to moan.

"You like that? You like it when I put my hand right here?" He asked in a raspy tone, moving a bit of my robe to get to my skin.

I decided to tease him and say, "No, it's just that these pancakes are really good," I laugh and turn around to see Luke's face.

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