A/N : Very Important

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Hi, I'm sorry loves that this is not an update. I've surprisingly been busy lately. I'm almost done with the next update though!!

But the real reason for this is, there is an author who has just copied and pasted my story practically. The description is the same and some chapters are too.

The author : carxlinedawn_

The story is called the same as mine and also has the same description.

I really do not get why people do this. I was willing to let it go because it only has 1,000 reads but I can't anymore.

I would report it to wattpad but I can't because it asks for my address and I'd like it for my dad not to find out about this whole wattpad stuff :) lol

Please don't be foolish to read it. Don't vote for it or anything. Please spread the word that she has stolen it and she is stealing my ideas.

(don't send hate please, just say "this book is erica_xoxo_ (I think that's my username) and she stole the ideas" please don't send hate)

Thank you loves!!! I love you all and there will be an update as soon as I can finish the new chapter.


(also, thank you to the lovelies who reported this situation to me!! I love yous<3)

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