chapter fourteen

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Elise's POV

"Are you sure this looks okay?" I ask Juliet for possibly the thousandth time since we woke up at 9 today.

We both didn't have classes today so she's been helping me find an outfit to wear when I have my date with Luke.

No, it's not a date.

It's just a meeting.

To say the truth, I'm really not sure what this is. All I know is that I'm meeting him in his office at 1.

I also do know that we're going to be "talking", says Luke, what about, I don't know.

"Elise, you've had that outfit on for half an hour, and you've asked me every minute, 'Does this look good? Do I look fat? I want my butt to look big, is it ok in these jeans?'" She says in a squeaky, high voice, her way of imitating me.

"I don't sound like that," I retort.

"Whatever. But, you look fine," she drags the last words out and plays on her phone, laying on her bed.

"You're not even paying attention," I weakly laugh and then check my phone for the time and then stand in front of the mirror again.

"The beanie is good? And the purse?"

"Yeah, I like it. And I know he will too," she winks.

I smile at that and say, "Thank you for helping me. I have to go. See you later."

I walk out of the door and hear Juliet scream, "Text me details! Love you!"

I scream "Love you too!" back at her and journey myself to his office.

Luke's POV

"I love you," I tell her, sitting her down right next to me on the couch. I have the fire place behind me, supposed to be keeping me warm but not doing the job at all.

"I love you too," she smiles and kisses me.

I move back. I can't send her the wrong message. I have to do this.

This isn't right of me to play her along.

"We need to talk Ari," my face grows serious and I'm holding her cheeks in my hands, making her look at my eyes.

"What up?" She realizes that this is a serious talk and sits up straighter, taking my hands off of her cheeks.

I lay my hands on her knees and take a deep breath.

I hesitate before speaking.

"Ariana, I really do love you. But, lately I've been thinking, and I can't stop the thinking, I really want to stop though."

"What are you talking about Luke?"

"I-I think we need a break. I need to clear my mind. It's really not you, it's me."

"And someone else?"

"Not really but yes. I'm not seeing anyone, I promise you. I'd never do that to you, to anyone, and you know that. I'd never hurt you that way."

"But you've been thinking about someone else," she concludes.

"Yeah," I say putting my head down to my knees, not being able to look at her in the eyes anymore.

"Well then, I'll leave. I'll stay away until you know what you really want. Until you stop thinking," she spits out.

"Ari, I really do love you and I really am sorry," I plead.

"I know," she stands up and wipes a tear from her face.

The knock on my office door breaks up the memory I had of only one month ago. During the first week of winter break. I get up, brace myself for what I'm about to do, and walk to the door. I unlock it and open it and see her. And I invite her in.


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