chapter thirteen

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Elise's POV

I walk into to his classroom and take my seat.

He's at his desk, stacking his papers on the table evenly.

I'm looking at him under my eyelashes, trying to not seem stalkerish.

I look around and see that the only person in the room isn't Douglas.

I roll my eyes, not wanting to even begin imagining where he could be right now.

I notice that Carla is sitting to my left, which is weird because she usually sits next to Zeke, who sits a couple rows back from me.

I turn my head to look at her and smile. I really should try to make friends with these people and not just with Douglas.

"Hi," I say with a smile.

"Hi," she replies back with another smile.

After that I really don't know what to say because I'm very socially awkward.

"So, what's it like working with Valentino?"

I giggle, of coarse she's sitting next to me because of that. I know she's not here for fashion but she does look fashionable. I remember the first time I saw her, in her business casual look. It's changed, and when someone's style changes, the person changes. And I like change. I need change.

I've so far lived my college life in my dorm, with Juliet, or with Douglas, trying to make Luke jealous.

Those are the only two people I've really bothered becoming friends with. I mean I talk to people, if I have to, not voluntarily though. Oh gosh. People probably think I'm some social freak.

"It's been awesome," I finally reply to Carla.

We spend another ten minutes talking about it and then she goes back to her seat with George.

Luke starts to talk a minute after Carla goes back to her seat and Douglas still isn't here.

"I hope you all had a good break. I'm going to hand out a paper to you all and I want you to look over the words. There will be a quiz on them in three days," he explains and starts to hand them out.

My back shivers as the door opens and I notice that it's started to snow a but outside.

I see Douglas walk in and while he's explaining why he's late, I'm mentally cursing myself for not bringing my coat with me today. I mean it is the middle of January so I have no idea what I was thinking not bringing one.

Douglas sits down next to me and then Luke speaks again.

"Don't bother sitting Mr. Woods. All you guys have to do is review this and you don't really need to be here for that so you all can leave. You guys don't need to come here tomorrow too. I'm going to be having a meeting. Just come back on Friday, two days, ready for the quiz I'll give you all. You all are dismissed."

I see Douglas looking at my desk and then look up at me. I roll my eyes at him, and put the paper in my purse.

I get up and walk out the door and go to the right. I fight the urge to go back and say something to Luke.

What would I say?

So, I saw my ex during the break, instead of you, who I was expecting to see, but seeing Demetri made me fall in love with you even more than I already am.

Yeah Elise, that'd be great.

"Elise!" I hear a scream that comes from Douglas who's running up to me.

"What? It's cold and snowing. What do you want?"

"Gosh, just wanted to know how your break was," he says with his shoulder pressing my left one while we walked to my dorm room.

"You texted me during the break asshole. What do you want?"

"No, I think the question is, what do you want?"

I stop, confused.

I stand in front of him.

He looks me in the eyes and then pushes me up against the wall that's behind me.

What the fuck?

"Um, Douglas," I laugh nervously when I feel his head go to my neck.

"Shh," he whispers in my head and then starts to create a hickey on my neck.

I'm trying my best not to moan, completely failing, and hating myself for doing so because this is Douglas.

His hands are roaming my body and I'm too confused, and possibly too into this, to stop him.

I feel one hand creeping up the back of my thigh, bringing up my dress and me shivering, partly because it's snowing and minus 30 degrees, but mostly because his mouth feels so good on my neck and his hands are making me insane.

One hand follows up to my waist and then it's gone and I whimper at the littlest loss of contact.

I hear a zipper being unzipped and start to get even more confused because this dress has no zippers. Then I realize he's unzipping my purse.

I come to my senses and push his body off of mine.

"Isn't your dad rich or something? Do you really need to take my money?" I exclaim, appalled that he'd even try to steal my money by turning me on. And worse, me falling for it.

"I don't need your money dear," he's smirking and moves his body closer to mine, trapping me once again against the wall.

He looking at my lips and then kisses them hard.

I kiss back, I don't know why, and soon we're French kissing on a wall, while I should be extremely cold because it's snowing but I'm very hot right now.

He pulls back and takes something out of my purse.

"Look at the back of this paper," he says handing me the paper Luke gave us.

"Ok, I'm looking."

"You looking hard enough?"

"Um, yes. I have good eye sight. I see the title, the words, the definitions, what else is there to see?"

He starts smirking, "Well, you don't see what I see. Let me show you the other side of this, shall I?" He asks rhetorically, flipping the paper so that I see the back.

I gasp.

It's a note.

Meet me in my office tomorrow at 1pm. We need to talk. ~ Luke

"How'd you know that was there?" I ask while taking it out of his hands and reading it again and again and again.

"I saw it when he was passing it out. You're welcome. Now, answer my question."

"What question?"

"What do you want? Because if I remember correctly, you were just moaning my name," he says smirking.

"I moaned, but not your name. Don't get your hopes up Mr. Woods," I remark and start to walk away with a smirk.

It's refreshing, playing these little games.

The "I hate you but I guess we can be friends" game. The game we play because we play it best. Because we get each other.

"I hope you have fun on your date Elise," he laughs and starts to walk the other way, to his dorm.

"Thank you Douglas," I laugh back and smiling.

"If you need anything, text or call me. And I mean anything. Whether he hurts your heart or leaves you high and dry," I can sense the smirk when he laughs.

I just laugh back and smile, wanting tomorrow to be today already.


sorry my power and wifi went out loves but it's back :)

goal: 100 comments :))

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