18. I am Sorry

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Happy reading!
Ps: Reuploading it as many complained that they couldn't see this as in 18th chapter.

Aarav's POV

"I need to talk." Rhea said coldly staring straight into my eyes.

Something in her voice made me not snap at her even though I was on the verge of bursting out as we just had an encounter downstairs.

She didn't even wait for my answer, she strolled inside and stopped right in front of my desk.

I kept my face stoic not giving away any emotion. I stapled my fingers keeping it on the desk and waited for madame to talk.

"First of all, I am sorry." She whispered looking down.

Are my ears working fine?

Did she just say sorry?

Yes. My conscious rolled its eyes.

"I d-I didn't know that yo- your mom I mean Ranju aunty- about that..." She stuttered, trailed out not knowing how to continue it, I stiffened hearing my mom name.


She didn't know about my mom?

How could that be?

"Actually, I really didn't know about it. Just now Dhruv and Ansh told me. Even my parents didn't inform me about it. For some reason, there was some misunderstanding and I asked you such questions in the living room and I am sorry for that." She stood looking down and toying our engagement ring.

She is still wearing that ring? I thought she would have removed it like me. And why-

Concentrate. She is saying something.

Yeah, back to the current situation. She is apologising.


Her face was guilt-ridden. She looked up to find any expression on my face but my face was solemn. Immediately she changed her stance as she narrowed her eyes at me.

"And you cannot hurt or behave with Anju aunty and Aria like that." Her tone was accusing which made me furious.

"You don't have any rights to advise me or question me." I gritted out and banged my palm on the desk letting her know my anger as she brought up the topic again.

"No, I don't. And I know that." She crossed her arms across her chest, her voice is heavy as she said those words.

"You know, all these days I was under the impression that you may have fought with Anju aunty and maybe there was some sibling problem with Aria that's why you were not talking to them." She began in an accusing tone.

"Stop." I warned her knowing very well where this was going and glared at her.

"You stop." She snapped at me, her tone louder than mine. She pinned me with her glare.

I was taken aback by her attitude but didn't it show it on my face.

"I know how close you were with your mother. I saw that on the day in the resort. I know talking about her makes you sad. But I am not going to stop today." She said pointedly.

"You need a reality check." She emphasised each word.

She is pushing my buttons. I know it.

I rubbed my face frustrated and glared at her. But she didn't falter for it.

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