20. Were you guys Kissing?

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Here is the next update and do make sure you have read the previous one.
This is the 20th chapter of the book.
*Happy tears*
Happy reading!
And sorry guys I had to re upload as many people couldn't see it.

Rhea's POV

Do you people know what is the most frustrating thing is when your friends self invite them for your dress purchase more like dress selection in my case.

It is been 1 hour since I came into Aria's workplace and these lunatics named Alina and Nikitha have not left a chance to accomplish their Mission: Irritate Rhea.

In 1 hour I have tried about 20 dresses and each one of them was declined by the prime guests of my reception party Ms Nikitha Khurrana and Ms Alina Saxena.

If they even reject one more dress I am gonna run a car over them. Even if I get thrown in jail for it I would be happy

Where did I get stuck?

And my dear sister in law Aria Singhania instantly became close with Niki and Alina as if they were long lost, friends. And joined their gang in vexing me.

They both know how much I hate selecting the dress and even more trying them because most of the time except for some occasions like parties or the things I wear only jeans and a t-shirt that's it. Or shorts and tops if I travel out of the city. Or long hoodies and loose t-shirts with shorts if I stay home. These skirts and shits was never my thing because one, I trip in them and two to top my clumsiness in the skirt I would have to wear matching pair of heels to complete the look and I who wears shoes and flats most of the time can never manage heels.

So long story short, I am a walking disaster when I wear a skirt kind of dress.

That day at engagement oops on the wedding, Aarav helped me by being in my side because I had sprained my foot so I didn't trip but for this party, I have to walk around myself to entertain the guests because we are the hosts and so considering that fact it is going to be a hell of an evening. And I am already tired even thinking about it.

And Aria is really one hell of a genius and unique designer, every dress I tried seemed unique than the previous one. That's why it was taking so long to select.

"Rhea try this one." Niki chirped excitedly as she shoved a dress in my hands.

"Guys come on. This is 21." I groaned.

I was dead tired.

"This is the last one, please." Alina batted her eyelashes with pleading eyes.

"Pretty please." Niki insisted trying to turn me around though I stood firm not allowing are to turn me.

"Fine. This is the last one." I sighed frustrated and gave them an 'I am so done with you people' look and trudged out with the dress to the trial room.

As I opened the door, I bumped into my husband who was scowling at his friends and it turned into a deadly glare when he noticed it was me who he bumped into.

"Watch where you're walking." He let out annoyed.

Pressing my lips in thin line I chose not to answer him as I was already energy drained to fight with this devil and strode past him but got squeezed into a bear hug by Dhruv and Ansh.

"Hello, Tomboy." They chirped in unison.

"Hello handsomes." I complimented them as they really looked handsome in their casuals.

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