46. I Want You.

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Note: Re-uploading to those who are not getting the notification.

First, sorry for the very late update I was going through a major depressed phase. Couldn't write the chapter with all my heart and concentration so took an unannounced break. But I am back now.

From now I will give my best to be regular.

Make sure you have read the previous chapter and go through it once just in case to be on track with the story.

Ps: Don't forget to read the author's note at the end. Would love to have your support guys.

Psst: And also keep an eye out for the new characters.

Happy reading!
Aarav's POV

It's been 3 hours since I came into the room and I have been just staring at the ceiling blankly since then as I lay on the bed.

I am still trying to process what happened in the living room.

It shook the ground beneath me.

One minute we are cozy relishing each other's embrace and the next second she says she needs divorce out of nowhere.

Why does Rhea want a divorce all of a sudden?

And I know she is not doing this willingly.

There is something behind it or more like someone behind it.

I thought about every possibility and all came to one person. Abhishek.

There must have something happened at the party.

Because since then Rhea seemed off.

I picked up my phone and called Mathew and asked him to book tickets back to India tomorrow.

I need to find out to get this mess out of our lives.

I can't handle it anymore.

I need to clean this up as soon as possible so that we could have some peace in our lives.

I glanced at the clock and it showed 1 am changing my clothes to night clothes I slowly unlocked the door and I walked to the living room.

My steps halted as I saw Rhea still sitting in the same place without a movement, her tear-stained eyes were closed, her head against the back of the living room couch.

My chest tightened at the sight as I stared at her.

I am going to kill that bastard.

Gaining my composure I took slow steps toward her.

As I reached her I crouched beside her and slowly kept my palm against her cheeks only to freeze at the contact.

My eyes widened at her body temperature.

She is freezing.

Quickly picking her up I took her to our room and turned on the heater a little higher and tugged her inside the comfort.

I sat beside her caressing her hair as I stared at her face which had dry tears.

My own eyes stung with tears as I tried to keep them at bay.

Why is it always us?

I was happy.

She was happy.

We were so happy. About us.

Everything seemed perfect.

I secretly hoped that this was just a nightmare and it will vanish as soon as I open my eyes.

With You Until The End ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now