27. I want 3 wishes.

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This chapter is dedicated to all the lovely readers!
Ps: I have no experience in volleyball, this is just my imagination and my take on it.
Make sure you have read the previous one.
And sorry everyone my draft got deleted by mistake so I had to write the whole lot again. That's why a late update.
Happy reading!
Rhea's POV

"So Let's begin." Aarav said with a smirk and pointed to us to take our position. I scoffed at his confidence.

Does this man really think he can win?

I am so waiting to see his smirk vanish when he loses.

And I can't wait for it.

I beckoned Niki and Alina closer to me. Putting my arms on their shoulder I quickly whispered them a strategy.

"We are gonna win this girls." I patted their back in encouragement.

"I can't wait to give them their losing punishment." Niki gushed excitedly.

Fisting bumping to each other we jogged in different directions in our side of the court taking the position as we planned.

I stood in the middle front to cover the front and middle. Alina stood behind me in the right and Niki in the left as they are good at that position and are good at backshots than me.

I pushed back strands that were falling on my face facing my opponents with my head high.

Aarav had a challenging smirk tugged on his lips.

I directed my eyes at him and winked mouthing a smug all the best.

Because I know we are gonna win this.

Aarav served the first ball which went behind and Niki hit it back to their court. Then the ball came to me, I stapled my fingers hitting my first ball which went straight to Dhruv. Then Dhruv tried something which made the ball drop just in front of me. But I hit it back to their side forcefully which made us score a point. Alina and Niki started shouting 'how was that?' while Aarav and Ansh glared at Dhruv. Dhruv stood there like a deer caught in headlights. Aarav lips were pressed in a thin line as he saw us celebrate our first point.

This time I had to serve the ball, my eyes were trained on Dhruv who was warming up rotating his arms. I had my eyes fixed on Dhruv but I hit the ball on the other side where Aarav was standing but my eyes were still fixed on Dhruv and as predicted Aarav missed it as he didn't expect that. Then I glanced at him smugly dusting my hands, he had his mouth partly open, his face reflecting pure confusion, his hands were stretched in mid-air maybe he attempted to hit the ball out of reflex but still was not able to hit it. Alina and Niki hugged me from behind shouting 'Take that Aarav' to Aarav.

He challenged the wrong person.

That to those volleyball players who played for their university.

We decided to play for 20 points. Eventually, it started with 10 points then Dhruv and Ansh argued for 20 points.

After taking 5 continuous points by my team, Aarav's team got the hang of it as they also started scoring after that. We played neck to neck to get points. Both the teams were taking points simultaneously.

One time Niki targeted Dhruv's face for his earlier remark on our knowledge of volleyball. He barely missed it by a few inches as his reflexes were quick enough to miss the ball but of course, lost a point to us. Alina and Ansh had their own game as every time they get the ball they both try to hit each other with it. I don't know why. But still, it was enjoyable to watch. And same goes for me Aarav didn't leave a chance to hit the ball forcefully towards me so that their team could get a point by me missing it. But it never happened. Because I was in no mood to give them a point after they remarked on our skills and of course not in this life to Aarav.

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