43. A Gift.

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An update!?
Yup. *grins sheepishly*
*gets popcorn to enjoy the comments*
*grins mischievously at the readers*
Make sure you read the previous chapter before you start this one.
Happy reading!
And also lots of love to new readers. Thanks for giving my book a chance.
And also old readers thanks for your constant support.
Ps: Longgggg chapter ahead!!!
Aarav's POV

"Yeah. The same thing. We are looking forward to it. Yeah sure." And I hung up the last business call for the day and slumped on my chair tired.

Today was one of the most hectic days.

And it's just the second day of me in the office which is being physically present after one month of working from home, as I was taking care of Rhea. And it's already hectic.

A thought crossed me and I immediately called Mathew.

"Where is Rhea?" I asked him as I went through the files one last time before taking them with me.

"Sir, ma'am hasn't left the penthouse still." He informed.

"Still?" I asked him confused as glanced at the clock which showed 9 pm.

Why hasn't she left still?

Is she still doing the case study?

"Yes sir." He replied.

Why does she exhaust herself even after constant health issues?

"Mathew, do one thing go in and check what is she doing." I instructed him as I packed my stuff to leave for the day with the phone pressed between my shoulder and head.

"Are you sure sir?" He asked with an undertone of uncertainty.

"Yeah, I am. I am on the line. Check and inform me what is she doing. And yeah make sure you knock on the room doors before you enter." I instructed him with an assured tone.

"Okay, sir." He answered as I heard a click of a door opening.

I guess he opened the main door.

I heard his footsteps and door sounds and I patiently waited for him. Taking my phone in my left hand I finally pressed my left ear as moved out of my cabin to the elevator with my bag in my right hand.

"Sir." His voice came after 2 minutes.

I hmmed probing him to talk further.

"Rhea-I mean ma'am is asleep in the master bedroom sir." His voice greeted me with surprise.

"Oh." My brows creased as I came to a halt in front of the elevator.

An idea quickly grazed my mind.

"Mathew, do one thing. Go to the mansion and shift all of Rhea and my stuff back to the penthouse which we took there a month before." I said as I entered the elevator and the doors closed.

"Okay, sir." He responded.

"And inform Tara to cook for us if she is available right now. And lock the main door. Anyways Tara and I both have share keys. Try to be quick. And I will inform Aria to help you with things." I quickly explained to him as I walked out of the elevator to my car.

"Okay, sir."

I hmmed and hung up the call.

I called dad after that connecting it to the car's blue tooth I put on my seatbelt and I drove out of the parking area.

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